Argentina Tops List Of 20 Signs Of Global Economic Meltdown

Newsflash for the truly delusional:

Gold is not a form of "faith based" currency.
Could you please expand on the intrinsic value of gold, except that it is shiny yellow?

When Doomsday has arrived

Oh we will all burn together when we burn.
There'll be no need to stand and wait your turn.
When it's time for the fallout
And Saint Peter calls us all out,
We'll just drop our agendas and adjourn.

You will all go directly to your respective Valhallas.
Go directly, do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred dolla's.

Can you eat gold?
Is gold any good to make tools of any kind?

The intrinsic value of gold, please
Could you please expand on the intrinsic value of gold, except that it is shiny yellow?

When Doomsday has arrived

Oh we will all burn together when we burn.
There'll be no need to stand and wait your turn.
When it's time for the fallout
And Saint Peter calls us all out,
We'll just drop our agendas and adjourn.

You will all go directly to your respective Valhallas.
Go directly, do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred dolla's.

Can you eat gold?
Is gold any good to make tools of any kind?

The intrinsic value of gold, please

its got some industrial uses...
I bought gold at less than $300 USD per ounce in 2001.
- and since then the value has been both 888 and 1,888 US$ - up and down.

As can be seen from the sooooo nice black and yellow trend pictures above, the value seems to have dropped ever since - or what? :)

Since the US and UK dropped the gold as a refence value back in 1971 the market value has been decided by the Indians' wealth (those in India). Indians rich = high market value, Indians poor = low market value.
Could you please expand on the intrinsic value of gold, except that it is shiny yellow.

The intrinsic value of gold, please

Are you gay....or just a virgin?

Gold is the second best tool of seduction known to man.

As Todd Rundgren sang, "We got to get you a woman."
Are you gay....or just a virgin?

Gold is the second best tool of seduction known to man.

As Todd Rundgren sang, "We got to get you a woman."
When the world has gone under in flames and anarchy, and she is standing outside our two caves in the Adirondacs, and she is hungry, she will prefer me with my meat, vegetables and bread to your worthless gold.

The intrinsic value of gold, please.
Baugle and bangkl
When the world has gone under in flames and anarchy, and she is standing outside our two caves in the Adirondacs, and she is hungry, she will prefer me with my meat, vegetables and bread to your worthless gold.

The intrinsic value of gold, please.

If you haven't noticed, I already have meat, veggies, and chicken eggs

Gold isn't something I will need to offer a woman.

My huevos will be her huevos.
If nothing else, and even in times of plenty, baubles and bangles (made of gold) are thigh spreaders.

If that isn't enough for you, just follow my mother's advise:

"Keep it in your pants."

What? The gold? Damn Steve, you've got some weird fetishes it seems. It would also explain why you want to buy gold so much. :(


On a more serious note, I agree with John St., what really is the intrinsic value of gold? Anyone pretending that the price of gold isn't subject to the same demand and supply principles as other products may need to retake that class whose name starts with an E and ends in a 101.