Search results

  1. J

    Dog carrier advice

    The pet carriers I see in vet shops here are the same ones sold in the US and should be fine. I was looking at them yesterday, in fact, while waiting for Mister the Westie to be released after a tooth cleaning. (Amenabar by Mendoza, btw) The only catch I can think of is that the airlines...
  2. J

    Another crisis 1999-2002

    I have to agree with Scott on this one. None of this appears to be part of any plan or even of any consistent philosophy of government or economics. It certainly doesn't constitute a strategy. Instead, each move is a reaction to something, usually something that resulted from unplanned, though...
  3. J

    Another crisis 1999-2002

    You're right, arlean, but the free market you describe ended when the great depression hit the US, then spread uncontrolled around the world, and set up the conditions for Nazism, Fascism, and World War II. In the US that "free market" was also characterized by "corporations using their...
  4. J

    Unethical Business Practices

    If you are a victim, you can denounce the culprit at or go to any office of the Fiscalía. Addresses are on the same page. If you are not a victim, you still may be able to make a denuncia. You can at least consult with a DA if you stop by one of the...
  5. J

    Has anyone used XOOM before?

    Folks, this is all way outside Argentine bank regulations. Any limits you're running up against are set by Xoom, their local agent, or your bank.
  6. J

    Tickets at Teatro Colón

    There are 5 or 6 seats in each box, and they're not numbered. So unless you reserve a box that's really center, you probably want to get there when the doors open, so you can grab the best seat. I personally like the rear platea seats. They're a little less expensive than the front rows...
  7. J

    Unethical Business Practices

    But if it's a scam anyone here might be subject to, you would do us a favor by describing it.
  8. J

    Typical Rental Rates in Buenos Aires' Neighborhood

    The numbers are real. My accountant audits them from time to time and says they're in line with the expenses of other clients in the same business. Btw, I did not include my income taxes or bienes personales in the monthly number. As I said, it's a high-end apartment. The monthly expenses...
  9. J

    Dentist recommendation

    After trying two highly-recommended dentists who seemed more interested in reconstruction than prevention, I took the advice of a couple local friends and went to the clinic of the Drs. Polack on Santa Fe near Uriburu. Since there are several dentists working shifts there, appointments are easy...
  10. J

    Tickets at Teatro Colón

    These sections are standing room. It's part of the tradition going back to the theater's early days when it wasn't seemly to mix working class Italian immigrant men and women in a tight space jaja. So you understand, as is the case with older European theaters, the Colón segregates more by...
  11. J

    Typical Rental Rates in Buenos Aires' Neighborhood

    I'm passing along actual numbers for a 1-bedroom apartment in a very good building in Palermo Soho that I rent out temporario. For the period 5-15-2011 to 5-15-2012, the average monthly cost to me was A$R 4,083.43, and of course it's weighted toward recent months, so I would anticipate 5-2012...
  12. J

    Multiple Exchange Rates

    I understand that importers are now paying an average 8% of net values to buy import rights from exporters who would otherwise have exported their goods anyway. So the net exchange rate to exporters is around 4.8. Conversely, import prices have certainly suffered an equivalent increase to...
  13. J

    Multiple Exchange Rates

    Actually, this is nothing new for Argentina. As I pointed out in, the country operated with multiple official rates of exchange from 1931 until rather recently. I believe they were abandoned only when...
  14. J

    US or AR Drivers license

    I'm updating an old thread to pass along a couple additional comments about obtaining an Argentine driver's license, which I did today. My experience track's sleuth's almost exactly. I had some problems with the "psych" test because the schoolmarm didn't like my sketches. She made me erase...
  15. J

    Yellow Fever Vaccination where best to go?

    The Hospital Alemán will do it with no wait.
  16. J

    Advice on...

    I don't know official rules or current practices, but a few years ago my sister in the US sent me a box of used clothing unsolicited that she thought I might want. I received a notice to appear at the Correo Internacional, and after going through the time-wasting routine there, the agents opened...
  17. J

    Dependable taxi driver?

    Carlos Bustos, 15-4079-3237. Remisero with a Suran that holds lots of luggage. Charming guy, totally dependable and trustworthy. I've used him for years. He charges slightly more than a taxi would for far better service.
  18. J

    Residency application

    If you start making an appointment, the page will show you available times, so you can see how long the wait is. You don't need to complete the trámite - you can cancel out at any time without confirming the appointment.
  19. J

    Competing on English soil etc

    On that one, Argentina is doing quite better than the UK at the moment....
  20. J

    Flight from Brussels to BA

    All flights to Argentina are expensive from the northern hemisphere these days. Before buying the discounted r/t ticket and throwing away the return, check the price of a ticket that allows you to change the return. It may well be less expensive than 2 discounted round-trips. For that matter...