I always recommend my dentist Bettina Pettiti.
Details in "post #8":
After UBA, she studied more in the States some (UCLA & NYU I believe) and then was the COLGATE rep for South America (I believer)... definitely the Colgate rep for a while.
I had neglected my mouth a bit, so I've gotten cleanings and I'm working on my second crown with her. I also got root canals last year, but she sends you to a specialist for that who has taught
endontology at UBA as well as had follow up certifications in the States. (Hopefully you won't need a root canal anytime soon, but if you do, then Dr. Henry is excellent.)
I'm also getting braces done, but that's from an orthodontist that comes into the office once a week (Wednesdays). When our schedules don't match up, there's another orthodontist who comes in on Thursdays who has seen me a couple of times for tightenings. (For some reason, my teeth never hurt after my braces are tightened, but I've heard that most people in the world aren't as lucky as I am.)
I take the Subte D (green line) to the TRIBUNALES stop and then back track 2 1/2 blocks. (2 blocks to Cordoba and then 1/2 block up)
I don't have OSDE 210, but if you call the office (and can speak Spanish), then they can tell you if they take it.
Bettina speaks English.
Dr. Henry (endontologist) speaks English.
My orthodontist doesn't speak much English.
The lady who answers the phone doesn't speak much English.