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  1. L

    Debate: Bedbug or Tick

    No not positive. But if they were fleas wouldn't they be in my clothes too? Or not necessarily. Also I don't regularly come into contact with animals. In fact in over three months I have only petted two dogs. But I did go to the cat park so.......
  2. L

    Debate: Bedbug or Tick

    Yeah, Hospital. It hasn't given me a severe enough problem to warrant a trip to the hospital yet. In any event I'm changing beds. No pets in the house. And yes I am not homeless, shower everyday, and wash my clothes. That's why I'm pretty sure it's not scabies. I'm inclined to rule out ticks...
  3. L

    Debate: Bedbug or Tick

    That's what I was thinking. If it were bedbugs surely I would have 5-10 bites on my arm a night w/o fail. Especially left unchecked after 3 months. I don't get it. Maybe ticks is the better answer. Also the bed doesn't have a headboard.
  4. L

    Debate: Bedbug or Tick

    Almost positive it's not scabies. If it were scabies there would be an infestation by now. And it wouldn't be 2 or 3 bites. Scabie bites would be all over the place. If I had to average, I would say I get anywhere from 1-3 "bites" every other day. This has been going on for 3 months. Also if it...
  5. L

    Debate: Bedbug or Tick

    Well, I wasn't going to post this but if you recall I started a thread about Argentine's milk giving me hives. Well now I'm not so sure it was the milk. I've been dealing with welts/things that look like mosquito bites and that itch like hell. While I am certain I have been bit my mosuitoes...
  6. L

    Just a reassurance for Visa Runners to Colonia

    Hello, I've been trying very hard to make sense of both of your posts. Unfortunately I cannot. They actually haven't been helpful but have left me more confused. In your first post you mention "G", in the second you then mention that you are the person Bajo was referring to....well in which...
  7. L

    Venezuela - Let us discuss it.

    No. I would beg to argue that most Argentines aren't like the Italians, Italians, Italians, Euros and American sex tourists that just go to Brazil for the women....and men. They recognize the laid-back nature of the culture. And the fact that Brazilians are extremely friendly (well except for...
  8. L

    Venezuela - Let us discuss it.

    I should have have stressed fewer jobs for foreigners. I spent over a year researching my job options as a foreigner there--Argentina was my second choice. And I'm here now so that should give you an idea. Yes the wages are low here but as a foreigner in Buenos Aires you can at least find a job...
  9. L

    Venezuela - Let us discuss it.

    Yes, you're right. The visa laws are much more stringent than in Argentina, even with the new "crackdown". If they catch you after your visa has expired you are typically given about 10 days to leave the country before you can be deported. I think it varies case by case but typically they tell...
  10. L

    Venezuela - Let us discuss it.

    I second mini! Brazil definitely. Nice beaches, extremely friendly people, relatively stable, and a lot of smaller cities that are not as violent as Rio, Sao Paulo, or Salvador, such as Maceio in the North or even Belo Horizonte futher south. I think an even more appropriate city from what I...
  11. L

    Argentine (Milk) Induced Hives

    I developed what appeared to be an allergic reaction to the milk here after about a month of drinking it. I first noticed very large and itchy welts that would sporadically appear on my arms, neck, and upper thighs--mostly my arms. At first I thought they were mosquito bites...except that this...
  12. L

    ATM Limits?

    I have citibank.....can someone please explain to me why I'm only able to take out AR750 or US$195-196 per day?! In June I was able to take out about US$1000 doing several different transactions. Was only able to do it once. Since then taking out money has been a nightmare as I have to do it...
  13. L

    2 Dead in Another Building Collapse in Palermo

    The point is more people are dead. This is getting ridiculous. Is there no type of inspection process here?? The area that collapsed is like a mezzanine section for VIP folks. They're essentially able to look down on the other party goers.
  14. L

    2 Dead in Another Building Collapse in Palermo

    Was anyone up last night around four in the Palermo area close to Scalibrini? For some strange reason I was and after hearing ambulance sirens for 20 mins straight I knew something was wrong. Anyway, there was another building collapse at a local boliche, Beara, which sits on Scalibrini Ortiz...
  15. L

    Dear guy in Puerto Madero

    Cussing someone out is one thing. Beating up somebody is something completely different. You're telling me you've never had a bad day before or gotten some bad news and then blown up on somebody, only to regret it later? My hat is off to you. But I don't think that's a reality for most people...
  16. L

    Dear guy in Puerto Madero

    I will probably get flack for this but............ First, maybe the guy was having a bad day. That doesn't make him an asshole, just that maybe he was having a day and the women caught him at the wrong time and place. Maybe he just got news a family member died or maybe this was the 1000th time...
  17. L

    Grocery Stores in the USA

    Interestingly enough I may be one of the few extranjeros that actually prefers the medialunas (de manteca) here over the ones in the US or elsewhere. You mentioned something about them being more coarser or maybe denser is a better word? And that's exactly what I like about them. Can't speak on...
  18. L

    Crime and Kindness

    Exactly. Everyone is always talking about moving out to the suburbs or the campo for the real Argentina or theory that's great. But I would take a good guess and bet most expats are working in and around el centro, Palermo, Recoleta, Belgrano etc. Why would I trade a 15-20 minute...
  19. L

    Will I get Stabbed?

    Yes you will get stabbed, or even worse shot. People in the villas are always looking to maim, rob, or kill gringos. It's in their blood. On a more serious note, just be cautious and use common sense. Going to a football game in a humble part of town is not a criminal's paradise. They've got...
  20. L

    Grocery Stores in the USA

    Since some of the Argentines on this board are always complaining about the lambasting their food gets on this forum here's a positive one. I've gone to Tupe several times with my coworkers in Recoleta (on is always pretty good). Had the special of the day "Medallon de Lomo". I...