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  1. L

    Tourist Maps

    Does anyone know of a store where one can buy a tourist map of Buenos Aires? Are they typically in the book stores? Also what about postcards? Thanks.
  2. L

    Apartment this normal?

    Not true. Again if agencies are unwilling to show you an apartment, something is wrong there. Run. I have to object. Maybe I am bias because I work for a rental agency but its important to point out that working with a rental agency has its advantages and disadvantages. One major advantage...
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    Apartment this normal?

    That's just not true. If an agency refuses to show you the apartment, particularly in the case of a long-term rental, without offering a valid reason then that should be a red flag. There are many agencies that will show and do show apartments to their clients.
  4. L

    English Language University Textbooks

    Never mind. Your PM seems to work fine.
  5. L

    Hello! Just moved to BA with a friend - seeking EMPLOYMENT!

    Welcome and just a friendly word of advice since you are looking for work and a recent college grad--don't sell yourself short and never use the word "desperate". It makes it look as if you have nothing to offer and right off the bat it gives the employer a leg up. That, and not to mention...
  6. L

    Soldiers who should face a firing squad before they die of natural causes

    I'm afraid you did get the wrong end of the stick. This thread has been hijacked by those wanting to inject there own political leanings / beliefs into a thread, that from what I can gather (at least from the original post) was never intended to convey the message that only the military should...
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    Soldiers who should face a firing squad before they die of natural causes

    In English we call this hyperbole. I doubt very seriously he meant it literally.
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    Soldiers who should face a firing squad before they die of natural causes

    Justice has no expiration. Rape, murder, abduction.....those are things one never truly "gets over". Our present is shaped by our past. As for Argentina's lost children....if you can tell them with a straight face to get over the fact they will never meet their biological mother or father, or...
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    Check out my site please

    Hi fifs2, Sorry but the that apartment is in Buenos Aires.....Palermo Hollywood to be exact. :o.
  10. L

    Check out my site please

    Hi Yujin, I did notice the load time are a little slow. In actuality, zenfolio is not my favorite site as far as hosting options. Photo shelter seemed nicer and there seemed to be more options! For the next properties I'll try resizing the photos again.....but they're not that big, well at...
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    Check out my site please

    Just wanted to let everyone know that my photography site is finally up and running. Still a bit naked but more samples to come. Currently, I specialize in real estate and nightclub photography. If you are the owner of a house or apartment that you rent out frequently I can supply you with high...
  12. L

    Change in expat attitudes?

    I'm not sure what parts of Mexico or Brazil you lived in but I can assure you that neither Mexico or Brazil are considered "third world countries" in the traditional sense. If you were living out in the campo then yes it can feel a bit like the third world but the metropolises in Mexico and...
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    Change in expat attitudes?

    The problem is, it isn't just Europeans or Americans that think this--all of Latin American does too. Ask them.
  14. L

    New Expat Living in San Telmo-27 yr old woman-Buena onda!!

    Could it be that some people just don't like the feel of San Telmo and that it all boils down to personal preferences? It should also be important to note that many expats work in Palermo (myself included). I did the commute thing in LA for two years....never again. Besides, if Palermo is an...
  15. L

    Inflation Examples

    Unless you're from New York or DC where there is limited space, and as a result inflated real estate prices, US$50 is not a cheap gym membership from an american perspective. I would say it's middle of the road. A 24 hour fitness membership in Los Angeles, which offers access to all 24 hour gym...
  16. L

    Palermo Meetup

    How will everyone recognize e/o??
  17. L

    Anyone have a Tripod they could lend or rent me for Tomorrow?

    I got it covered. Thanks for those who responded.
  18. L

    Anyone have a Tripod they could lend or rent me for Tomorrow?

    This is very last minute I know. But thought I would throw it out there. Any photographer buffs have a tripod they would be willing to lend or rent to me for tomorrow? I´m also in the market to buy one, so if you have an extra one I would be interested in buying it. Let me know. I would need...
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    Meeting up at Sugar Bar, 2/12 @ 9pm

    A couple of us are meeting up at Sugar Bar tomorrow, Saturday, at 9pm for a drink or two. Not my favorite place but everyone seems to know the place and it does have good drink specials. We can always go somewhere else after meeting up. Let me know if you want to join. I can give you my cell...
  20. L

    Personal Photoshop Lessons Needed

    So I got one good solid lead from someone on here. The only thing is they're a bit more expensive than I would like to pay for lessons. Though, if it comes to that I will have to take them up on their services. Just thought I would bump this! There has to be someone offering lessons in this...