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  1. Canick

    Peso To Usd Rates Soar Abroad

    not sure if you have seen this. link below: The Argentine peso is being exchanged for more than eight pesos per dollar to tourists holidaying in regional resorts. The lower exchange rate is seen at $7.40 per dollar, a higher rate still than the black market rate in Argentina. Tourists who...
  2. Canick

    I 4 Technicians

    not sure if you have tried this, but i swear it works. place Iphone4 in a bag of white rice. wait a few days. rice draws out all the moisture and phone usually works again. google it if you think i'm making it up.... :P
  3. Canick

    Rental Apartment Robbery In Palermo Hollywood

    sorry to hear that. that sucks. would it be worth your while to get some sort of alarm system that can be recoded after every renter? I assume that if they walked out with tv that there was no actual security in the building?
  4. Canick

    To Sell Or Not To Sell?

    it is all a matter of the big picture. does this person need the cash to live? Can they let it sit and wait out the "slump"? My advice is if they are liquid enough, don't sell now, wait a few years and then see. my own time frame on selling would be 4-5 years from now, as i don't see the market...
  5. Canick

    Even The Police Don't Want Pesos For A Coima

    have you spent any time in argentina? paying the police "directly" is the norm, whether it is instigated by you or them. I'm not agreeing with it, i'm just saying it happens with tremendous frequency and is part of life here.
  6. Canick

    Dog Run/dog Park

    there is one near US embassy at libertador y sarmiento. there is also one in Plaza armenia (armenia y costa rica). these are all small circular enclosed spaces. I find they are not the best places to socialize pups. they aren't the best spaces and tend to be not very clean for you or the dog...
  7. Canick

    Even The Police Don't Want Pesos For A Coima

    if i may be so bold...what's the going rate in USD's for a "thank you"?...
  8. Canick

    Cubiertos? What's The Deal?

    I have been charged 4 cubiertos when only two of us were dining, a few times...especially if you are not speaking spanish during the meal. I always check they don't try to sneak it by.
  9. Canick

    Escape To Uruguay

    just spend an excellent night at the radisson right downtown in Colonia. if you want to spend a bit extra (250 usd/night) ask for room 301 or 201. they are small suites with a wonderful wrap around view of the pool and the river. would be an excellent romantic eve or date getaway. one night and...
  10. Canick

    New Reciprocity Rules

    that is correct. dec 28th. process is simple online. print it out and hand to agent as you enter.
  11. Canick

    Your Best/worst Customer Service Anecdote

    Movistar "suspended use" of my phone line randomly one day. I checked online to see if I had somehow missed a payment. It showed a credit of 800 pesos which i had overpaid from last month. I called and asked what the problem was. the operator told me even though she saw the credit, the almighty...
  12. Canick

    Needing An English-Speaking Dermatologist Recommendation

    Dr Stengel. Ba skin is the name of clinic on cordoba. speaks perfect english.
  13. Canick

    Dec 6Th Craziness And The Weekly Round Up.

    I have shared this site before as I find the writer very funny. He also writes for the Herald, but this week's weekly round up-especially the play-by-play of yesterday's events (Dec 6th), had me cracking up. thought I would share- :D http://www.argentina...ial-7d-edition/ a sample: [10:25...
  14. Canick

    Fire In Puerto Madero - Stay Indoors!

    i was in the centre an hour ago (Cordoba y Florida area) and it was like tear gas, very hard to breathe, nausea and eyes stinging. even saw two people vomiting in the streets they were so bad. came home to Palermo and now watching on the news. Advising to keep all windows and doors closed and if...
  15. Canick

    How The Police Raided Bus No 10 This Morning Outside The Cf

    This sounds much more like an urban legend than actual events. then again it's argentina... ;)
  16. Canick

    Limit On Carrying Cash Out Of Argentina?

    u can take as much as you want if you declare it. legally 10,000 usd and under does not have to be declared. if you are stopped with a lot of USD's as an argentine you may have to show where that came from, but that would be very unusual. (but not impossible)
  17. Canick

    Power Cuts

    the herald reporting 1500 traffic lights down...
  18. Canick

    Attempted Home Invasion

    Kurt, that sucks and I know how helpless you must feel. Hang in there. i third the getting a dog (although my 'fierce' black lab slept through my last attempted break in) and also share the same caution on the gun advice.
  19. Canick

    Banking in Argentina

    amex used to have a hassle free "moving to a new country" offer. not sure if you still can do that today. when i moved here officially in 2010 amex issued me an argentine card without having a bank account set up yet. my limit was 15k pesos. for me to get this I just needed a new local address...