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  1. S

    Dealing with noisy neighbour in an apartment block

    14 years, honestly you may love your apartment but this situation is really ruining your life and your health! Time to move. Start looking for a new place, there is no pressure as you already own. Perhaps you will be lucky and find somewhere you love. Obviously there is the fear of the unknown...
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    It was 12,319 people -- someone counted. For once the police got something right, they had estimated 12,000. The Ks claim it was 300,000 people!!! There were 525 approx that waited for her at her house (Brancatelli claimed 10,000 at the airport and more at her house) And when she danced her...
  3. S

    Thus Spoke Kristina....""

    Is Bajo-Cero = Diego Brancatelli? It seems like they are reading from the same script, listen to the first minute of this:
  4. S

    Quilting Stores?

    Pardon my ignorance of quilting, but you can get any fabric cut to size assuming the store says that they sell "to consumidor final y/o minoristas" -- can you not ask for measures of fabrics that you would like -- I'm not sure what the minimum amount of fabric is that one can buy, I would...
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    Until monday night I hadn't actually realised just how pleasant the past few months have been without the Ks and the Kampora spewing their constant hate campaigns. They live to divide and foment hatred. Macri may have had some illegal activities but we haven't seen him lashing out and spewing...
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    Medical Interpretation

    Molly -- just some encouragement -- my interpretation professor is doing a consecutive tomorrow for the Argentine Medical Association so there is some work out there ;) I`m not sure if you are already working as a conference interpreter as well? If not try to get some work in conferences...
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    Any Mineral Bath/lake Resorts In Argentina?

    I have been. Not worth the trek.
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    Medical Interpretation

    Hi Molly - are you a community interpreter or conference interpreter? Here there is really no need for community interpretation, but there are medical conferences that come up and always need a medical interpreter in the booth, while many people here understand English, it is tiring for the...
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    The Panama Papers

    Diario Registrado is basically 6 7 8 online. ie, ignore it. We watched C5N the other night just to see if they would mention anything. Farina was declaring for 11 hours and C5N ignored it. They just ran a little ticker saying that Rossi denied having established any offshore accounts. Then when...
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    Mercado Central En Colegiales?

    Is that the one Alberto Samid was involved in? That they were supposed to open to the public but in the end sounds like it was just yet another shady business deal? The other night on Intratables Samid tried to claim that there was never any intention of opening it to the public, there was...
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    Buy Supplements/vitamins Argentina

    You can buy them anywhere. Price, however, is another matter. Depending on where you are coming from you may find them extremely expensive.
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    Lazaro Baez Arrested, Perez Gadin Arrested... Who's Next ?

    You must have thought you were coming to the Paris of the South. Sorry mate, welcome to Latin America -- a couple of countries that are doing ok surrounded by a shit tonne of corruption, violence, extreme poverty, and injustice.
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    Macri's Amnesia

    Sadly the parents of one of my friends are full on dedicated to that nonsense. They don`t read much english but they love posting things because Diario Registrado tells them what it actually said. To be honest I get annoyed with the Bubble`s weak translations of spanish newspapers into english...
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    Macri's Amnesia

    Mujica ran a country that has profited greatly from the offshore industry -- don`t be surprised if things start to emerge from the data dump that tarnish his name. He also claims that Lula is innocent. Mujica has lost some marbles if you ask me.
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    The Panama Papers

    Here is an El Pais article in english that details a bit more Macri's defense (as well as Almodovar's situation and Messi... who's name is pretty apt for the situation he finds himself in right now).
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    The Panama Papers

    Macri can't wait to see what comes out in the coming days, but ouch, what company he is in -- Putin, Assad, and some other really dirty Mid-East leaders. We can only hope that Cristina is to be implicated directly as well -- here's an article from August 2013, when PPT did their show on her...
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    New Electric Bill Arrived: And The Total Is....

    Conscience? Ceviche, my husband is Argentine, he has no conscience. (jaja somewhat of a joke, but not really. He works in oil, what can I say, they aren't the most "lets take care of the planet" type of guys in that industry!)
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    It Happened To Me. Visa Entry Problem.

    Yup, Canadian as well. Everyone thinks we`re nuts to be here (and sometimes so do I). I just went to the traumatologo the other day and I think we spent more time talking about his love for Canada than we did talking about my tendonitis...
  19. S

    Dealing with noisy neighbour in an apartment block

    Have you purchased some earplugs while you wait for it to be sorted out? Also try a white noise app on your phone -- this is not to discount your experience, just trying to help with some solutions in the meantime.
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    New Electric Bill Arrived: And The Total Is....

    Yes but here people don't even think of that -- they are so used to having cheap heating / cooling bills it doesn't even cross their mind. My husband leaves air conditioners and lights on constantly. It does not occur to him to turn off the lights. I often come downstairs around 7am and don't go...