Search results

  1. domthegreat

    Getting Dollars For Rent - Xoom or WesternU?

    THe thing is that we know it illegal to make us pay in dollars...but the fact is that we want our apartment, and if we dont do as they want, then they will get someone else who will pay in dollars/the "blue rate" (I think thats what its called). We are gonna use Xoom after all...does anyone...
  2. domthegreat

    Has anyone used XOOM before?

    Does anyone know if this will show up as a cash advance on my Chase credit card? I want to get more than I really need here this month to hit my minimum spend to get all of my bonus miles. What do you think? Any real experiences with this?
  3. domthegreat

    Getting Dollars For Rent - Xoom or WesternU?

    We need to get dollars tomorrow for our rent. Whats the best way to get dollars down here? I have heard about a bunch of people using Xoom! How exactly do we use Xoom to send money to ourselves here? I hear you can just send it to an exchange here in your name and then go pick it up
  4. domthegreat

    Bringing In iPhones For Sale Since The New Ban

    I am thinking I will only bring one or two back with me...if it goes well then next time I come from the States I will bring more...aka push my luck.
  5. domthegreat

    Bringing In iPhones For Sale Since The New Ban

    CAn't I just say they are gifts and not get hit with the tax? Besides, we all know that you can get a lot of stuff past security in Argentina, I am just wondering if they have began trying harder to get anyone with this since the ban took effect.... I have an iPhone myself, and they never give...
  6. domthegreat

    Bringing In iPhones For Sale Since The New Ban

    I recently have had to travel back home to California to visit family. I am going to be coming back to BA within the next month, and I want to bring some of the new iPhone 4Ss that come factory unlocked in BA to offset my travel costs. But I recently read that they have banned the...
  7. domthegreat

    Leaving Argentina, must sell everything in my Palermo Apartment

    I am interested in the sofa/Couch. Do you have any pictures of it? How much do you want for it?
  8. domthegreat

    Best Cafes for Working

    Uncle Dermot: I like MacDonalds when I am out and about, for that very same reason...Plus the bathrooms are always clean and you can use them for free with no one bothering you at all... Everyone Else: Do any of the places you all mentioned have outlets to plug in? I tend to be at the cafe for...
  9. domthegreat

    Best Cafes for Working

    I like many of us here on BAExpats, have a computer job. As such I get sick and tired of staring at my wall in my apartment everyday. So I tend to do half a day's work at home, and then I head over to the Starbucks around the corner. My question to everyone is this: What are the best places to...
  10. domthegreat

    Using the iPhone 4 in BsAS

    When you first put it in, did it show up with just one bar, and no name of the company (aka movistar)?
  11. domthegreat

    Using the iPhone 4 in BsAS

    Yes i did the jailbreak first, and then i unlocked it. So what is the problem? I know someone else who used a US iphone4 and did the same thing and it worked. They used a cut movistar card, and it works fine for them.
  12. domthegreat

    Using the iPhone 4 in BsAS

    So I just bought a Movistar Chip and cut it to fit in my phone. But all it does when it goes in is give me one little bar, and no name comes up. I cant get it to work. Am i doing something wrong?
  13. domthegreat

    Using the iPhone 4 in BsAS

    I already have a claro sim card i use with my normal cell phone here by buying pre-paid cards. So once i unlock my iphone, can i just cut the sim down to fit, and then keep using the pre-paid cards?
  14. domthegreat

    Using the iPhone 4 in BsAS

    I just moved back to BsAs, and i plan on staying here for a whole year. I wanted to know what are my options for getting my iPhone 4 working here? I already have a different cell phone with a claro Sim that works fine. Can i just cut the sim to fit the iPhone and then use it in the iPhone 4?