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  1. C

    Is It Time to Bail Out of the US?

    I read somewhere a couple months ago about smaller towns making their own money. It seems like print a different currency is like Disney World with their mickey bucks. I wish Argentina would make more coins :) Here is a good site if you are wondering what is going to happen to tax revenues...
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    Coin shortage in Argentina - WSJ Article

    Best place I found getting coins is on the freeways. If you know someone who drives go to Wal-mart south of BA near Quilimes. Those are the best changers.
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    Mail Forwarding Services (US to BA)

    We use Earthclass mail. I like it. I know in Feb. they are going to raise their prices for holding mail long term. We have street address with them and a post office address.
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    Lily64 hi everyone

    Hola Lilly64. What months are your going to be staying here?
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    I leave the US for BsAs on Thursday!!! (packing question)

    You can find NyQuil at some pharmacies. They ususally keep it behind the counter.
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    Receiving Mail in BA

    I have received a letters and small packages from friends via US Postal Services. It usually takes 10-12 days. The letters I have mailed to the States have taken over a month to get there.
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    I leave the US for BsAs on Thursday!!! (packing question)

    Bring converter plugs for your computer or you can go to casa de transformers and buy a powerstrip with US/Argentina plugs. Also if you like spicey food than bring your own spices/seasonings. Check your international plans before you start using your unlock phone.
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    Just Hours Away From SALVATION and SANITY !!!

    Russia is already becoming friends with Venezuela, which should help trade relations. China owns part of the Panama Canal, so China sees Latin America has a value resource. I believe they bought some land in Peru for resources. Bush has a ranch in Paraguay and there is a US military base next...
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    how does one find well paid regular work in this city?

    I would look for work North of Capital Federal. If you go North on Maipu/Santa Fe Ave (CF) you will find lots of English places. (By North Vicente Lopez,Florida, Olivos, Martinez, La Lucila).
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    Just Hours Away From SALVATION and SANITY !!!

    What do you think Obama's policy will be with Latin America? Do you think he will reinstate trade with Cuba? Where will Argentina fall on his agenda?
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    Job Offer

    I know of people who live off less than 1,500USmonth. It just depends on how well you budget. I think your rent will be a majority of your money spent. If the company is going to wire the money into your English account make sure if you use an ATM here that you won't get fees incurred for...
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    Seperate Work Permit?

    Steve- I was the one that said DNI from Foregiens won't be progress until new system. Our lawyers were told that in December. Our lawyers are on the holding pattern. I got my CUIL first then the resident visa permit. Good Luck!
  13. C

    How Do Wealthy Expats Live In Argentina

    You can google search some of the information. Homes here are bought with CASH, so those with a home didn't lose it unless they need MONEY then it was sold at cheap rates. Basically, the peso was devalued and those with dollars in the banks got them converted into pesos. If a person had...
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    Break-In and Rape in Palermo on Guatemala

    Lilly- That map is awesome. Thanks for the post.
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    Customs Broker to bring dog from US to Argentina

    We used a place in the States that worked with a place here (Las Lunas). Here is a link to the States people. I can't recall the cost, but I can tell by the crates that 3/4 dogs weren't stressed. Our four dogs made it fine, our turtle is still waiting on the permit.
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    Good News about Economy

    I don't think it will help in the long term. At least Argentina is trying to work with consumers instead of the bankers. People are reluctant to spend money. The new car low I think is a scam. I friend of mine called about it. It seems you pay 1000/month and at the end of the month they, car...
  17. C

    thinking of moving to argentina

    Wikipedia considers it to be Third World. My friends and I were debating whether it was a true third world. I would classify as second world. If you move in the North will experience more Argentina style than living in an expat area. Have you been to BA for longer than a week? You...
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    Good News about Economy

    One thing that Argentina is doing is they are bailing out the citizens instead of the all the bankers. How many people will "take" advantage of this stimulus package?
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    coming from Europe

    I sent you a private note. In January the schools will be on Summer Break...even Lincoln. The new year starts end of January/begin of Feb. I won't worry to much about matching things up. Tigre is a nice area. Most expats live either in San Isidro area. The problem with living in Zone Norte...
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    Looking for bar that shows College Football

    GO OU!. You can check the Alamo Bar for the Big 12 games...but at that time you might have to watch boxing..