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  1. J

    Argentine women

    Mitscherman, Just because you like Argentine women doesn't mean everyone else has to. Nor does it give you the right to insult anyone "who has nothing good to say about them". You come up with heinous comments on the men who post here and then talk about judging others. So why is it OK for you...
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    Argentine women

    Auntieapple, You're right about the lizard skin. Many women here lie too much in the sun and that results in skin damage. I don't think that's the reason why they don't wear make-up, though. Personally, I think North American women in general have nicer complexions. MikeBA, Not all...
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    Re: These prices are killing me - 2

    PK, No offense but you don't seem to know Argentines very well... What my fellow countrymen need is discipline not sympathy. I admire your positive attitude but thinking it will take you far in this country is a little naive in my opinion. Your approach may be effective in societies...
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    Re: These prices are killing me - 2

    So if the locals litter the streets or drive like animals are the expats supposed to do the same? What kind of reasoning is that? Excuse me but moving to another country doesn't imply accepting everything that the locals do. Even more so if that country has a backward culture. For instance, if...
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    Hi guys hows it going?

    Mike, I completely understand. We Argentines are not as friendly as some think... Everyone here has their own circle of friends and is happy with that. It's not an easy task to enter it for sure. As for the girls, yeah they tend to be quite complicated. One day they are in love with you, or so...
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    Shortage of US Imported Food Products

    Donquixote, We're discussing the shortage of US products and you come up with American imperialism. What's wrong with you? Have you not read the title of this thread? Looks like it's you who doesn't read after all... And no I don't see any connection. If you ask me, I don't think any...
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    Shortage of US Imported Food Products

    What the hell does peanut butter have to do with Muslim immigrants questioning European culture??? This doesn’t make ANY sense at all. I think you are waaaay off topic, buddy... So what about the Argentines in the US who get a craving for dulce de leche? Maybe what they are doing in reality is...
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    telefonica strike

    Gregbrophy, Whatever you do please don't hire Speedy. They are Telefonica's Internet provider and therefore suck big… just like Telefonica. I hired them about two months ago after seeing one of their ads. They promised 6 months of bandwidth plus free unlimited local calls...
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    What happened to Mad Maxx's blog?

    When I enter, I get another website. Apparently, his blog is no longer available. Has he been banned or something? Just wondering...
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    Recoleta vs San Telmo

    The dirt/ litter issue is NOT a consequence of the economic collapse but a part of the local culture. Yes, I'd say it is a standard Argentine behavior. It has always been the same and won't change any time soon. The worst part is that some Argentines seem to be proud of it. There are some...
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    argentine people are the worlds most stylish and beautiful people

    bf4, We Argentines are not vegetarian at all, even when compared to Americans... As a matter of fact, we are famous for our meat-based diet. We eat more meat than any other country. "Argentinians eat more beef than anyone else, about 140 pounds a year per person. (The U.S. average is...
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    Re: Americans & psychoanalysis

    bf4 said: You said it yourself... It was the players who started the fight not the fans. Sometimes players lose their temper. It happens everywhere. Do you remember the Argentina vs. Germany match in the World Cup? At the end of the game, players from both teams began fighting with each other...
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    Americans & psychoanalysis

    bf4, When someone is addicted to alcohol or drugs, yes you say they are dependent on them. However, no-one says that they lack "independence". There’s a big difference. The term "independence" is NEVER used to refer to addictions. Of course, you twisted my words to suit your purpose. Very...
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    Re: Americans & psychoanalysis

    bf4, What does the drinking have to do with independence? I don’t see any relation... Take a look at Northern Europeans. Scandinavians, Brits, Germans, etc are all known for their hard-drinking habits. Does that make them less independent? I don’t think so. Specially if you compare...
  15. J

    Americans & psychoanalysis

    Interesting… I’ve always wondered why so many Argentines are so dependent on psychoanalysis. Don’t get me wrong… I have nothing against it. I just think some people here go to therapy because of trivial things. Things like for example “I’d like to have a cat but my wife won't let me. What should...
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    argentine people are the worlds most stylish and beautiful people

    I agree. Northern European women rock! In my opinion, they look more refined than the average Mediterranean. Scandinavian, German and Dutch girls are among my favorite. Eastern Europeans (Polish etc) ain't bad either. But of course, this is just a matter of tastes...
  17. J

    argentine people are the worlds most stylish and beautiful people

    Does this include piqueteros??? ;-)
  18. J

    Favourite cities/Places to live

    Could you be more specific, please? Saying that a certain statement doesn't make sense sure isn't agreeing, don't you think? yes, but the fact of the matter is I didn't talk about red-factor canaries. I responded to another person's comment.
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    Favourite cities/Places to live

    First of all, the Nashorama's comment I commented on was made on THIS thread. Second, just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean I'm "hijacking" this thread.
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    Favourite cities/Places to live

    You’re wrong. I’m well aware of that difference. I don’t think whine and criticize are synonyms. That’s why I quoted “whiners” and “whining”. But yeah, it seems some people get the two terms a little mixed up. Anyway, I think most criticism on this site (the “whining”, as some call it) has been...