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  1. M

    Gaddafi may be couchsurfing at Chavez's tonight

    It is interesting that the Arab states have reached the tipping point in terms of corruption and usurption of true and democratic government...sometime it works (like in communist Europe in the late 80's) and sometimes it doesn't (China, Tinamen Square). Regardless, it is fascinating and...
  2. M

    Good Bar to me middle aged men?

    Looking for Mister Good Bar!
  3. M

    Is it normal? Bank Transfers

    Payment in advance before arriving is not normal. I wouldn't trust a large school that asks for payment in advance, but then does not give you a credit card payment option. April is not high-season. They will find a place for you if you show up at your door with cash in hand, believe me.
  4. M

    in six weeks here i've dealt with...

    Sounds like a trip on Greyhound in the US or Canada, but safer. Altitude sickness at only 2,500 metres (pass from Chile to Mendoza, right?)? Better not go to Bolivia, amiga. How many boyfriends did you have in 6 weeks? Should have stopped here in Mendoza for a day to have a "non-foreign"...
  5. M

    in six weeks here i've dealt with...

    Define "foreign" in the context of your text, textually speaking.
  6. M

    To the critics with no opinion of their own

    "Haters" is an inapproriate, inarticulate and unintelligent term used to apply to anyone who disagrees with your opinion. I respect your opinion, no leaders are perfect. And, we can never fully know what fully s happening anywhere in the world, even where we live. We can and will extrapolate...
  7. M

    Work and Salary Expectations

    My motto for living in Argentina: "Assume nothing, expect even less."
  8. M

    Help! Argentine boss not paying me, owes me 2,000 pesos.

    Yes good advice. Tell them yo WILL report them unless they pay up, and promise to leave even if you do not. They are in more trouble than you. This should be a warning to those who trust language schools. Many are okay, but the majority are run by swindlers. AAround the owrld, not just Argentina.
  9. M

    looking for a molecular gastro restuarant
  10. M

    looking for a molecular gastro restuarant

    I do not know what MG means, but a great veggie restaurnat in Mendoza is Veggetalia, a yellow house open for lunch on Alem between San Martin and Rep. de la Reta.
  11. M

    Highly unusual weather continues in 2011

    Eccleisiastes: "There is nothing new under the sun."
  12. M

    Rant: If you don't know how to make the drink, just tell me...

    Yeah, I have given up ordering cocktails in Mendoza. You would think being so close to Chile, they could make a pisco sour. No way. Like pancakes or real Italian food, stay home and make it. Save the nights out for wine, beer and fernet, and asado, nothing else. No excuse. And, thank gawd we...
  13. M

    Exchange or withdraw?

    All of the casas de cambio I've been to have always been satisfied with a copy of my passport.
  14. M

    Looking for Spanish shows/movie with Spanish sub-titles

    As a linguist and language teacher, let me give you a little hint. If you want to tune up your listening skills, do not use subtitled films, or you will just work on your reading skills. Reading completely takes over, it is a much more dominant input. Best to watch it without Spanish subtitles...
  15. M

    Exchange or withdraw?

    US cash dollars makes more cost sense (even if security issues), as easily convertible and the difference between buy and sell much less than other currencies.
  16. M

    SuperBowl in Mendoza?

    Haha, goodluck in Mendoza. It wil be on basic cable, so a question of convincing the bar/restaurant to turn it on. You may have to end up watching it in your hotel room, make sure it has a good cable connection. Believe Irish Pub is possible, but it is not a sports bar, and on Sunday evening...
  17. M

    Hummus, tahini, babaganoush and guacamole

    Great recipe, thanks. And thanks for the variation above. I find that buying bags of dried garbanzos both cheaper and tastier for hummus. I also find that most cans of garbanzos have skins in them that I do not like to put in the blender, you can still feel them. I also find that canned...
  18. M

    Hummus, tahini, babaganoush and guacamole

    Yeah, Tahinni is on the market, but the brand mentioned and all the other brands are incredibly expensive because Argentina has the highest import taxes in the world. Whenever friends visit, I try to cajole them into taking one of those big plastic tubs of Tahinni with them for me. I often...
  19. M

    Argentina history documentaries

    You should be able to rent (maybe download) the TV series "Algo Habran Hecho" for an entertaining history of Argentina , if you understand Spanish.
  20. M

    Reciprocity Fee Question

    Actually, since December 20, Australians no longer have single entry, they have multiple entry.