Haha, goodluck in Mendoza. It wil be on basic cable, so a question of convincing the bar/restaurant to turn it on. You may have to end up watching it in your hotel room, make sure it has a good cable connection.
Believe Irish Pub is possible, but it is not a sports bar, and on Sunday evening they will be more interested in pumping out the music for the partiers (Sunday is a party night here, why few things get done on Mondays). You will feel like a East Indian trying to watch cricket in a small town in Kansas, and you will be viewed in the same way. Check with Kelley, the Brit part owner, and see if she will accomodate you beforehand.
NFL comes out with unbelievable statisitcs every year that SB most watched event on planet, in the billions, but the truth is it is watched by less than 10 % of the World Cup Final audience. After a few years away from North America, American "football" seems like an idiosyncratic absurdity that makes no sense whatsoever.
Strange that there are fewer yanks here than brits, canucks, aussies etc. in Mendoza.