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  1. I

    Sharing mate, kissing traditions and gripe A

    Do you see Argentine traditions such as sharing mate and kissing changing as a result of gripe A pandemic? It would be logical to assume that people will try to avoid any physical contact, since it can spread infection, but I still see a lot of kissing on the streets. What is your prediction...
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    Dinner Ba Expats Wednesday Aug 12 at 9pm

    Meta998, Nope, there are no special requirements. You are welcome to come to the dinner.
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    Dinner Ba Expats Wednesday Aug 12 at 9pm

    According to Guia Oleo average price of dinner at To's is $111 pesos. And Guia Oleo prices are not always current. $80 per person is a discounted group price. You can always volunteer to organize a dinner yourself at a restaurant of your choice.
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    ques? about land trip ushuaia 2 el calafate

    I believe there is a single company that runs a bus between Ushuaia and Rio Gallegos. It takes about 12 hours to get to Rio Gallegos and significant portion of the road is not asphalted, but covered by "ripio" (ground seashells or some other ocean shore material). You will have to cross...
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    General WiFi Access Availability?
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    American entry fee to BA?

    Short answer: there is no such tax. Please check replies to this post as well.
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    Hypothetical situation regarding dollar vs peso

    Actually, as long as they can print dollars, the amount of debt is irrelevant. But Argentine Peso as a safe haven? Do you really believe that at some point there may be more trust in Argentine government than in USA government? People who bet on complete collapse of the financial system as...
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    Do fears of crime in Argentina reflect reality?

    Well, that reminds mi a dialog from "My cousin Vinny" when this lawyer guy from Brooklin and his Marisa Tomei girlfriend just arrived to Alabama. -- You stick out like a sore thumb around here. -- Me? What about you? -- I fit in better than you. At least I'm wearing cowboy boots. -- Oh yeah...
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    Do fears of crime in Argentina reflect reality?

    I've never heard about people having a demonstration to protest against crime in Detroit. Does it mean that Detroit is a safer city than Buenos Aires? Yes, the crime has increased, as everywhere else, actually. But the protests is rather a positive sign that this situation is not perceived as...
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    Rentista Visa Renewal Questions

    Yes, they wanted to start charging entrance fee on January 1st, then postponed it til March 1st, then postponed it indefinitely.
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    Where to buy Patagonia beer in BA?

    Yeah, it's a pity that selection of local microbrewery beers in supermarkets is pretty much limited by Antares and Otro Mundo. I'd love to find a way to buy beers from, for example, Viejo Munich brewery from Village General Belgrano without actually going there.
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    Permanent DNI and Brazil or Mercosur

    Sergio, It's 131 USD for Americans. And I believe they charge entrance fee only if you fly into Santiago Airport. You can cross border by bus without paying this fee.
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    why we live in cities and put up with whatever

    Let's all go to Bangalore? Yeah! :) I am sorry, but this article is ridiculous. It looks like people who lost their jobs in the States and returned to Bangalore are absolutely desperate now.
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    FBI Clearance

    There is a separate page where translator writes something like "I, this and that, translated this very document ...". He staples this page to the document, folds it and places his seal in a way that half of it is on this page and another half is on translated document. I guess that means that...
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    getting a CUIT?

    cujodu, When you get your work visa, just go to branch of AFIP that serves your address. You can find the location here. You will need to bring your passport and two proofs of your business address. They are pretty flexible and accept utility bills (with your name on it, of course). I assume...
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    Moving to Argentina.

    Yep, and passports and ceriticates/notarizationes of different types and many other documents. Consulates are supposed to provide general assistance to citizens living abroad. Whether they can issue DNI or not, they will give some reasonable advice. So it does not hurt to ask questions there...
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    Moving to Argentina.

    If she wants to renew her DNI in the USA, the best place to start would probably be Argentine Consulate closest to your home. In Argentina DNI is issued/renewed by Registro Nacional de las Personas.
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    Zip Codes

    Try entering "Capital Federal" instead. AVENIDA DARREGUEYRA 2300 C1425FLP
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    Baexpats dinner: Casa Felix - May 6th!

    . As a follow up of "Food revolution" thread I am very pleased to announce that our next meal for Baexpats will be at a incredible restaurant called Casa Felix where passion and fantastic food are served in a very warm setting. This special event for only 18 people will be on Wednesday, May 6th...
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    Decreto 1169/residency reqs

    Actually, he said it is required. The question is whether migraciones accept proof of foreign income. And sometimes they do, but it is decided on case by case basis.