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  1. J

    Besazo -- The Gay Community's Way Of Protest

    I don't read Spanish fluently, but it appears from the linked news report that the victim was drunk, belligerent, and died of a heart attack after confronting police. Are you trying to bootstrap this story to prove that Macri is a tyrant and urges police to kill minor thieves ala Victor Hugo's...
  2. J

    Let's Talk About M...

    Huey, can you post a link to the video proof you mention showing Maldonado fleeing from police shooting? Or is it that the proof is that 4 minutes are missing from a police video (ala the Mary Woods, secretary of Nixon, erasure of Whitehouse tapes) of the police action. Sorry, but my Spanish is...
  3. J

    Prisoners Vote As Well

    In the USA, it varies from state to state. See
  4. J

    Let's Talk About M...

    :eek: Are you trying to stir up a hornet's nest? Please let sleeping dogs lie.
  5. J

    Let's Talk About M...

    Serafina, than you for an informative post. As a frequent visitor to BA (quasi expat) now married to a Portena, I have been hearing about the Maldonado affair quite a bit these past few weeks, but was uncertain what the heck it was all about other than to perceive that the K Klan was using his...
  6. J

    Mortgages, Villas/favelas, And Gobbleygook

    And 2 Wrights made a plane.
  7. J

    Mortgages, Villas/favelas, And Gobbleygook

    I was a later night radio listener in NYC for many years (60s/70s). I've googled fast talk radio. Nothing close to the Arg gobbledygook. Willing to be persuaded otherwise if you provide a link. In any case, 2 wrongs don't make a right.
  8. J

    Besazo -- The Gay Community's Way Of Protest

    It seems pretty clear who is the one having difficulty understanding.
  9. J

    Mortgages, Villas/favelas, And Gobbleygook

    Never heard anything similar on radio outside Arg. Your example, parody or not, is not equivalent to the Argie gobbledygook. Not even close. Got an example like the crap on Argie radio?
  10. J

    Mortgages, Villas/favelas, And Gobbleygook

    Maybe your proposed solution would "work" (however you define that word in this social context), but I have reservations. Preliminarily, I don't think it fair or accurate to describe me as "preaching" anything. I was proposing a possible solution to the existence of villas, specifically villa 31...
  11. J

    Mortgages, Villas/favelas, And Gobbleygook

    I appreciate your thoughtful reply. As an aside, I'm curious if you are a Porteno. It's my impression from living here on and off for the past 10 years that many Portenos are fatalistic and too quick to shrug their shoulders at attempts to institute effective change. In any case, I readily...
  12. J

    Besazo -- The Gay Community's Way Of Protest

    I'm confused. Could be language. How do the police know the identity of the violator? Do they allow the smokers who refuse to stop smoking to continue to smoke while they examine their ID docs? ? Are the police really helpless to actually make them stop smoking without arresting them? How do the...
  13. J

    Mortgages, Villas/favelas, And Gobbleygook

    1. In my opinion it would greatly stimulate the housing market, create many well paying construction jobs, and stimulate many related segments of the economy (banking, electronics and furniture manufacturing, etc) if mortgages - hipotecas - were more commonly institutionalized as in other...
  14. J

    Expat Tax Advice - Looking For Accountant

    The "online' tax guy is knowledgeable, totally accessible on line (although he now has offices in NYC), and fairly priced. I met him in Bs As years ago and he has been doing my taxes since then - I have lived outside and inside the USA during that time. [email protected]
  15. J

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    An understandable opinion, but let's not throw out the baby with the bath water. Political contributions, if intelligently controlled/administered, can be a proper adjunct to free popular elections. Unfortunately, the 5-4 Sup Ct decision in "Citizens United" has had a deleterious effect on...
  16. J

    Besazo -- The Gay Community's Way Of Protest

    I find this a curious fact (especially the "with luck" embellishment) assuming it is a fact, that is. In the jurisdictions with which I am familiar, there are some public offenses which are punishable just by a fine and not by arrest and incarceration. However, when a police officer tells a...
  17. J

    Besazo -- The Gay Community's Way Of Protest

    It's a stretch to argue that the actions of some local cops can define the attitude of the administration towards gays. It may not be trolling per se, but it makes no sense. (Not to mention the couple were smoking as well and who knows exactly whether their conduct was more abrasive to the cops...
  18. J

    Has The Temporary Apartment Market In Bsas Changed?

    The price of apt rentals (and sales) may have risen dramatically lately for those living on foreign currency principally because the rate of exchange has been flat while inflation continues apace (though perhaps at a somewhat slower pace). Nevertheless, cost is relative. I would venture a guess...
  19. J

    (Automatic) Arrest Without Legal Order At Immigration

    Ben, understandable confusion on that Bajo post, but doubtful that jantango is alter ego of Bajo (jantango "liked" my criticism of Bajo). It may be attributable to a lack of fluency in English ( I'd like to think so), but I find Bajo's posts frequently off-putting, i.e., a mixture of arrogance...
  20. J

    Catholics Shouldn't Vote For Macri`s Candidates

    I'm not familiar with local law, but in my country (USA) political activity by a religious, non-profit org (Catholic diocese) such as appears to be the case here would jeopardize, if not, extinguish their non-profit status.