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  1. M

    Venezuela: Mandatory Fingerprinting At Grocery Stores

    Yeah that's all we need. Combined with the ordeal people go through every time they make a credit card purchase, going to carrefour would be as pleasant as taking a trip to migraciones.
  2. M

    Argentines...scared Of The Cold?

    Heh, yeah, I've noticed this. Today I was sweating, and I still saw people walking around in sweaters. There's a ridiculous amount of people that think you can actually contract disease directly from temperature.
  3. M

    What's Keeping You?

    None of that for me. For me, it was a woman -- one I'd known and been friends with for four years. Unfortunately shortly after arriving she had a crisis and decided to dedicate her every waking moment outside of work towards her family, which apparently can't take care of itself. So now I'm just...
  4. M

    "outlaws": Do You Agree?

    Frankly, I hope the vultures never see a single cent of the debt they bought. It's ridiculous that some fossil of a judge and this parasite Paul Singer can decide the fate of an entire country's economy.
  5. M

    When Will The Peso Hit 20?

    1:1 by January. I bet 20 pesos on it.
  6. M

    What's Keeping You?

    There seems to be a large (or at least very vocal) amount of people here that are quite unhappy about the government, society, culture, etc here in Argentina. Since all of these people have presumably moved here voluntarily, I'm curious: why do you choose to stay? I came here for various...
  7. M

    I Was Swindled Out Of $1000 Dollars

    I agree, post the contents of the bags. Might be there's some good stuff in there...
  8. M

    Will / Should Scotland Vote For Independence Next Month ???

    I don't think anyone deserves to be under British rule. Not even England.
  9. M

    Terrorists Found In Argentina!

    Very observant people, the Argentines, because this is in fact true.
  10. M

    One Way Ticket To Arg?

    I didn't have any problems. In fact, customs didn't even bother to ask why I was arriving, where I was staying, etc.
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    Apartment Strategies For A Gringo

    I'm looking to rent an apartment. Not just a vacation rental, but a real contract. My colleague is able to provide the guarantee, so that main hurdle is out of the way, but now my issues are these: -I speak very little Spanish. Enough to ask basic questions, get necessary information, etc., but...
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    Christ. I must not be paying attention. I've been here since February, and haven't seen a single crime.
  13. M

    Sunday Brunch,july 6,'14.2:00 P.m.

    You may just have to tuck in your cravat and put up with us filthy lumpens, because next time we're going to Flores.
  14. M

    What Are The Most Tiresome Post Types?

    Oh. I thought Joe meant yankees complaining about the politics here.
  15. M

    Best Gin Brands Available In Argentina

    Have any of you tried Bols Genever? It's a Dutch gin that I got a taste for when I lived in Amsterdam. It's sold incredibly cheap here, I got a liter of it for 25 pesos, but it's the same product as in the Netherlands.
  16. M

    Teaching English Certification?

    I came here teaching English, but after a few months I was picked up by a little IT company that works with only US clients. My salary is quite decent and I have a good health plan with Swiss Medical Group. And right before I landed this job, I had a job offer from another small start-up company...
  17. M

    Conversation Exchange

    Which is your native language, Leo? Are you learning both at the same time?
  18. M

    What Are The Most Tiresome Post Types?

    The US political rants are tiresome. We get it, you don't like Christina or the economic policies.
  19. M

    Sunday Brunch,july 6,'14.2:00 P.m.

    Sounds fun! I RSVPed.
  20. M

    Hey, Welcome To Buenos Aires, Guys !!

    By this logic, everyone wearing a #10 jersey is Messi.