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  1. G

    Argentinians Switching To Bitcoin

    ¿Dozens? ¿Really? That sounds like one healthy & sizeable market...
  2. G

    20% Surcharge For Travel

    Does not matter if the prices are advertised in USD or ARS - the 20% will be added. The withholding is on any international travel. Think it is more of they don't want to.
  3. G

    Diabetes A "disease Of The Rich" - Cfk

    This is how Kirchneristas are defending themselves on the web...The president was just pointing out a fact... And making it out to be about how everyone is against CFK for no reason and whoever is is just a servant of the corporate media... I mean, it cant be that her words (see here -...
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    Just for everyone's info, I got this response when I requested Pricing Info for my area. The prices are for 3 in 1.
  5. G

    Argentine Government Will Make More Cheap To Tranfer Dollars

    Lamarque, what bank did/do you use. I am planning on calling Santander where I have my salary account this coming week to see if I can set up a monthly transfer of to my mother. Is it a "wire" type transfer?
  6. G

    Since No One Else Is Doing It, We Need To Open A.....

    There already seem to be locations to buy bagels. Pf Changs is opening this year (http://www.zonajobs....?jobId=1265009) Texas BBQ & Mortons Steakhouse - I think you need to calculate your market, currently the "American" style Steakhouses are Tucson & Kansas, not sure that there is that much of...
  7. G

    How Do You Get Around In Buenos Aires?

    ¿Did you miss the sarcasm in that? Palermo and Recoleta are bordering neighbourhoods, definitely not "across town". I would imagine most expats, people who live and work here, move from Belgrano to Puerto Madero to get to work and the like... A taxi for me from work goes for about $70-$80, not...
  8. G

    Subway Line "a": The Truth

    It is actually a very crappy video, obviously made by someone who doesn´t have extensive technical knowledge of subway operations, and just because they know a couple of facts that are technical, think thay know better than the ones in charge. Truth is that the float update most likely could be...
  9. G

    Social Unrest And Looting In Bariloche...

    Really?? You are going to throw out that argument for this situation? I was not aware of all of these large companies going into AFIPs headquarters, and forcibly taking money from the coffers... And seriously, just denounce this Almacen that you always complain about, the AFIP will audit, god...
  10. G

    Abl Has Tripled???

    Alumbrado Barrido y Limpieza ABL I am sure mine will be up anywhere from 25% to 50%. The increase depends on the value of your house, and the difference in market vs. tax valuation.
  11. G

    Credit Card Statement's

    Basically I just wanted to start a thread to hear about other's experiences with their most recent Credit Card Statement - did you have purchases that got charged the 15% retention, etc. Personally, the only "foreign" purchase I made was through Paypal, however I had Paypal charge my credit...
  12. G

    "Clarin" newspaper is shutting down on 15 Oct

    Very good, I may have oversimplified things, it just feels nice to say "you're wrong" sometimes... Under any circumstances, Grupo Clarin does not own - nor does it have an influence over the editorial line of - La Pagina SA. Just because it is a shareholder, does not say it exercises it...
  13. G

    "Clarin" newspaper is shutting down on 15 Oct

    You're wrong. Pagina12 belongs to Editorial La Pagina SA - nada que ver con Grupo Clarin. Anyways, this whole conflict has to do with Audiovisual communications and media signals, so newspapers are not affected. In any way. Montauk_Project: This current argument is whether it is valid to...
  14. G

    Restrictions on PayPal

    Hmm....seems to not be true. I was just able to transfer $575, although I got the error quoted in the article the first time, when i split the transfers into 2 (under $500), it worked fine. Was very worried for a short amount of time though, since this is the only way I have left to get money...
  15. G

    15% surcharge on foreign transactions on Argentine credit cards starting Sep 1

    Hmm, except that PayPal shows up on my Credit Card account in pesos, not in foreign currency, unlike other online payments to retailors in the US. In a month we will know!
  16. G

    Anyone been charged the 15% yet?

    Noone will be able to confirm that they have been charged the 15% until card statements go out in august, that include the 15% retention on all foreign purchases... Really, it is just more leg work if you are employed legally in Argentina, as it is a retention, and you just have to declare it...
  17. G

    15% surcharge on foreign transactions on Argentine credit cards starting Sep 1

    Edit: It also seems that if you are not earning in the Income Tax level, the AFIP can decide you are evading and not declaring your income and not issue a refund of the FCT (Foreign Card Tax...that seams like a good acronym)
  18. G

    15% surcharge on foreign transactions on Argentine credit cards starting Sep 1

    It seems to me you guys are using the word surcharge incorrectly. It is a tax, plain and simple. A surcharge would be something the bank levies...this is a credit card usage tax that can than be treated as a tax credit for Ganancias or Bienes Personales. Basically the 15% will be calculated and...
  19. G

    Work Visa- everything translated to Spanish?!

    It seems our veteran commenters tend to only skim over the posts they reply to (with all due respect). I would take it from the OP that he is being sponsored by his/her company to come work in Argentina and is sorting out the papers. He also mentions that he is awaiting his FBI police check, so...
  20. G

    AFIP Form to Buy Dollars for Traveling

    Whether you are impressed or not you will have to go back to the local office. Only the office corresponding to your legal domicile will attend you!