hmm... sorry, no ISP can guarantee that speed internationally for consumer markets. there is a limited trunk in and out of argentina, and often seems congested.
no need to explain bits and bytes

, i've been in IT for longer than i care to admit
IMHO the online speed tests are good indicators, but they are not fully accurate as they are basic snapshots of short periods of time and speeds can vary significantly over time and for many reasons out of the user's control (routing paths, caching configs, overall net loads, etc. etc.) ... overall, what those tests have shown is that I can get _fairly_ consistent 3mbps and 6mbps download with my two connections when testing against AR servers, and every so often I can hit those peaks internationally, but in practice, and given that we stream TV from the US on a daily basis as well as download HD content regularly, I can tell you those numbers dont keep up when pulling from servers outside AR. There's just too many pieces in between. I know going from 3mbps to 6mbps, and to 30mbps shows improvement (I've seen that), but there's a point where returns aren't just that great for the premium one pays.