Search results

  1. G

    Jane's Addiction... for Movistar clients only?

    Again, I repeat, they are not excluding anyone from being able to buy tickets, etc. They are simply not selling tickets to this concert. The only way I understand why anyone is angry about this is if they don't understand that.
  2. G

    Jane's Addiction... for Movistar clients only?

    What!? You can NOT buy tickets to this concert, they are not selling tickets at all, no matter if you are a client or not. Movistar clients can win tickets, period. Nothing wrong with that
  3. G

    Jane's Addiction... for Movistar clients only?

    Yea, my sister-in-law is the marketing lady at Movistar who is overseeing all of this. My girlfriend and I are going with some friends, but we are Movistar client's. Don't know of any way to get in other than "playing their games". Don't know what you hate so much about it. There are exclusive...
  4. G

    A baexpats wiki, idea?

    This is a post mostly to those expats who have been here for a while and have often commented on the repeating nature of posts on the forums. I was thinking it would be a cool idea to create a wiki for BAExpats that can be edited by any user (let's say who is not a "newcomer") that would serve...
  5. G

    FedEx/Custom taxes...Is it worth it?

    Yea, it is going to be at least a day of arguing, know that. I had a package held up a while back, of much less value, that my parent's had sent via Fedex. Long story short, I went, bitched out Fedex on the storage fees, since they hadn't given me notice until after a week. And then argued...
  6. G

    Milanesa at Ezeiza

    ...Um, that isn't inflation. Just straight up price gouging. Probably been able to get so out of control at Ezeiza because it is so in the middle of nowhere.
  7. G

    Apartment in BsAs --- Summer Internship

    I would suggest you look into renting a room. Check out Spare Rooms Buenos Aires, I know lots of people have had good experiences with them.
  8. G

    Same Old Immigration Questions

    1. If it is certified by the FBI you are in okay shape - you will have to send it to the US state dept. to get the apostile. When you get it back, then you will have to get it translated and certified by a public translator. If you forgot to ask for the Criminal Record to be certified by the...
  9. G

    Patches or T-shirts

    Just wanted to reply that I talked to my bro-in-law and he assured me that you can head to their offices to pick up the shirts, you don't have to pay for delivery. The offices are easy to get to and just a couple blocks of the D-line.
  10. G

    Are Our Criticisms of Argentine Legitimate?

    Hear. That is all
  11. G

    Are Our Criticisms of Argentine Legitimate?

    Also, I would urge BSS to read up on United States history, as protest is not something we are unfamiliar with, just something that we have expressed in different ways throughout our history.
  12. G

    Are Our Criticisms of Argentine Legitimate?

    Intellectual Masturbation could be defined as posing an intellectual stance or position for the sake of sounding smart. Another definition could be that you are positing this without a real focus on any outcome, and you are just doing it because you have some built up intellectual stances and...
  13. G

    Hi from a newcomer! & Need help clarifying some questions please ;-)

    Hi Vu! You will be fine on that salary, judging by the fact that you are young, and judging by your choice to do an internship abroad, adventurous. For your information, my wife & I lived for 6 months on just her salary of 3000 pesos a month last year, so it is def. possible! I would second...
  14. G

    Work and Salary Expectations

    Jeez, inflation really must just be an invention if the middle class who are earning 5k pesos & up are the ones complaining about how tough inflation makes their life. Just a joke obviously, as inflation definitely does effect me and I make much less than that, but interesting to put things in...
  15. G

    Milanesas para Todo

    Bajo I definitely am aware of the benefits of buying in bulk. I have friends whose parents work at Mercado Central and I know that many people make huge purchases one times a month. Just making the point that this is a very silly way to deal with cost problems. And by the way, I am part of an...
  16. G

    Milanesas para Todo

    Thank god! The price of Milanesas was starting to eat a whole in my pockets. Now I only have to take an hour and a half bus ride to and from the Mercado Central and I can have some great Milanesas para Todos
  17. G

    Help! Argentine boss not paying me, owes me 2,000 pesos.

    Yea, definately head into a lawyers office. As long as you have something that shows you worked there, you will win, even if you are here working illegaly.
  18. G

    argentine citizenship by naturalization

    Hurrah! Now if we could just work on capatilization! Just remember, start every sentence with a capital letter.
  19. G

    argentine citizenship by naturalization

    I just wish this guy would stop typing everything in bolds. It's almost as annoying as when people right all in capitals, which reminds me to be upset with his sheer lack of capitalization.
  20. G

    why are there two #168 buses?

    Why? Because the bus companies are private companies trying to make money. Although regulated they often serve what could be various bus lines under the name of one company. Check the buses front window to find out with line it is within the bus companys number. You could end up in entirely...