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  1. E

    Import Taxes On Vehicles Question

    I'd say the question is which Blue Book? From what I've been told by a gestora that's helping a friend of mine legalize a Toyota Forerunner that was brought by a French couple on vacation (they drove it down from the States, where they bought it, while on vacation, and sold it on arrival here)...
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    The Last Fpv Hurdle?

    I was sure hoping it would crumble but I wasn't sure. I read through a number of the comments and was surprised to see the overwhelming majority being happy about it, even among Peronists making comments and trying very hard to distance themselves from Kirchnerism. What I was pleased to not...
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    Futbol Culture Has Gone Too Far!

    Damn that fall was slightly better than the gendarme who jumped on that car windshield on Panamericana some year or two ago! Edit: And I love how he yelled for the press and not the police...
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    Why Do Local Credit/debit Cards Give Huge Discount

    Well, I wasn't intentionally confusing them. I'd been told some time ago that the payments interest-free were required by law so everyone could enjoy buying material things even though they made no money to speak of with their salaries. It made sense to me, at least when inflation topped 30%...
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    Why Do Local Credit/debit Cards Give Huge Discount

    What everyone said above. Argentina is a strange place to live when it comes to finances. You may not realize, for example, that those same cards that are offering deals at stores all throughout the city (I'm assuming in other cities/provinces as well) interest-free monthly payments for up to...
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    Argentine Car Savings Plan Lottery

    This is the common way for people to get new cars here as I understand it, has been for many years. I wrote about this some 3-4 years ago (I think - maybe it's been 5). I was thinking about seeing what it would take to get a new car and was completely dumbfounded at the whole thing. Of...
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    Argentina Ends Electricity Subsidies

    Not just in the villas, but in unofficial settlements of houses and shacks (well, sort of like villas but different than, say, Villa 31 that I'm fairly familiar with) in the province. And not just electricity, but sewage as well. I know someone who has a house in a place like that who was...
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    Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Happiness

    According to another source there were around 50 Kirchnerist employees dedicated to "tweeting" although their official status was in other parts of the company. all the employees there knew what was going on. Newspapers, leaflets, a TV studio, a radio station called FM Comunicacion...
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    Ministry Of Propaganda

    For me, I'd much rather our suspicions were correct - otherwise, Bajo would be right about a lot of what he was saying and Cristina was just a misunderstood victim of propaganda!
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    Argentina Ends Electricity Subsidies

    The poor people will have help. Part of the plan is to increase how much "wealthier" clients will pay to offset the cost for the poor. So the government will no longer subsidize them directly, it will be the rich. What level of wealth they're talking about, I don't know. But I expect mine...
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    How To In Bs As - Vonage

    I got one from someone here who had an extra one. Don't know of any other extra ones around. I don't think it's time to test the import restrictions on something like a Vonage router coming in through customs. If you don't already have a router or can't find one here (I did a quick search on...
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    Inflation Dollar Question

    Macri is letting the peso float now - as i understand it he's not making adjustments and trying to keep it at a "reasonable value" like Cristina was trying to do. It's the market that's setting the price. I don't think he's spent a centavo or a dollar to try to influence the market (well, the...
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    "trapito" Knocks Customer In One Blow

    Problem is they ask for the money when you get out, after you've parked the car. There are also a couple of places where they wait for taxis and open the doors for you on arrival, hoping they'll pay you something. At the Recoleta Mall and on Cordoba and Corrientes where Florida crosses. I've...
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    2 Million+ Argentines Invade Florianopolis

    Instead of depending on war, pestilence and famine to bring down the population, I'd rather all nations be "developed". Birth rates for developed nations fall, birth rates for undeveloped nations rise. Developed nations' birthrates are approaching the replacement rate, meaning their...
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    Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Happiness

    i was reading an article at La Nacion, Laura Alonso about Milagro Sala (as it was titled): Alonso also talked about the purpose of the Anticorruption Office. I loved this part, talking about ñoquis and other governmental corruption under the Ks: A...
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    Usd Cash Exchange Q

    The blue rate is still a little higher than the official rate. If you have dollars and can find an easy place to change money on the blue market - that gives you a good rate, some I've found only seem to give the official rate or a few cents over - it's still worth it. I'd say an official...
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    Temp Move To Ba

    Good point, Ceviche - I remember one toddler at a restaurant who was just fascinated with the food on my plate - his parents were about two tables from us. The kid was running around from table to table with no restraint while everyone around was watching fondly. I was OK until the kid tried...
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    Permanent Residency

    Just for completeness' sake: My previous comment about traveling to Brasil or other Mercosur countries using only a DNI was indeed related to "extranjero" DNIs, both temporary and permanent. They are fairly clearly marked as such. A born citizen of Argentina is different (and indeed, I know...
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    Temp Move To Ba

    Curiously enough, I've seen robberies and such of people I know go down significantly in the last two years or so, even as things got worse economically. For my family and their brothers and sisters that may be because they've wizened up a bit - they were not ones to wear bling at all in the...
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    Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Happiness

    Nah, but only dictators (or wanna-be dictators?) get called on the carpet for it (sorry for the lame pun!)