Excuse me?
As far as I remember, is Vidal who says "Es tan hermoso lo que esta pasando" and Mr. President who asserts that income tax must be paid with happiness and talks about the happiness revolution.
What is wrong with asserting that people who can afford to pay taxes, should not feel 'screwed' about paying them?
That you shouldn't feel great about tax evasion and viveza in general?
What is populist about that? Do you know what the word means?
What demagoguery is in that? Do you know what
that word means?
I believe that the big cultuiral mistake you (plural) do is to think that the President is a liberal. In my opinion he might look like liberal only in economis but in all the other subjects he is totalitarian. You will see that the State is going to loose a lot of people in one place like health and it is going to grow a lot in all the areas regarding police State. The political police of the call centers you were laughing so much about is a good example.
There was a time when whether one agreed with you or not, at least you were to some extent coherent. That time has basically come to an end and you've gone full Matias.
"Political police of the call centers"? Really?
I got a lot of robophone calls during the campaign. One can argue regarding whether those are productive and help influence people, or annoying and a turn-off. But political
police? Seek help, man!
Nice pictures about Evita, the former President and something in China. Can you explain me why everything is painted in the yellow color of Macri`s party?????????????????????
Yes, why?????????? Question with RAGE!!!!!!!!!
Are you really going to compare picking a branding color too similar to his party's - which we can admit is a bit of an underhanded, if clever, move - with the massive propaganda and personality cult that CFK built (or maybe - let's be nice - permitted to be buit) around herself?
Maybe as a sign of respect for the yellow flowers our Dear ex-Leader planted, especially for her successor, in Olivos.

While she was accusing him - to all appearances completely falsely - of mistreating her, a lady, on the phone.
Maybe add a geography book to your list...
Let's be nice.
Bajo, that picture is not of 'something', nor 'in China'. It is of the Dear Leader (or was it Great Leader back then - the Dear one was the son, no?), Kim Il-Sung. The father of all personality cults (and mother too, I'm sure: they seem to have needed an Evita back there). And for not knowing who he is, you ought to be executed.
(Yes, the preceding words were humor).
EDIT: It's not about the Korean writing. Most of the world recognizes the face, and the imagery. You seem not to, maybe that's why the K propaganda in this country bothers you less than it does most of us.
The big problem of this country is Peronism because Peron made a successfull revolution against the liberal State and he builted a totalitarian one. After the coup against him there were military who wanted to erase totalitarism (reds) while others wanted to keep the "good" of peronism (blue). The second won and that is why the right and extreme right developed totalitarism with free
[private monopoly] market. But the left as you know is also totalitarian but comunist or socialist. So, besides radicales, all the others like the totalitarian State. Some like its economy (the former administration), some others loves its lack of freedom (the arrest of Milagros Salas with the governos saying that she is going to continue
[illegally] arrested until the acampe finishes) and monopolies but they are private instead of Stated (Clarin is a good example, now the Arsat satellited were given to them so they control 4g).
Well, I know I m wasting my time I better continue reading the over 50 books I bought regarding 1949 (when the totalitarian Constitution was enacted) and 1955 (when it was abolished).
For the record, Massa agrees with the arrest of Milagro Sala. It seems abundantly clear from the reporting that she basically built a parallel government, largely with public funds. If the law doesn't provide a way to deal with that, that's a problem with the law.
Regarding the rest of the quoted paragraph: Some of what you wrote may be interesting. I am not familiar enough with Peron-era history to agree or disagree with your premise.
What is clear is that with Macri you have built your theory and now trying to squeeze the facts into that theory. Yellow branding is just that - branding. PR. Personality cult is something different. If you don't get that, that's OK. But we all do get it.
I grew up exposed to the imagery of the Soviet Union, which by my time was on the wane but was still to be found everywhere, albeit in milder form. Look up '
socrealism' and you'll see what I mean. I and many here know propaganda when we see it. Macri's yellow et al is very, very, mild PR branding. To compare it to K propaganda is a joke, an absolute joke, an insulting joke. (By the way - free associating here - how far is one's perception of the average member of the K kleptocracy, from the old
Homo Soveticus?)
You want badly - you need - to 'know' that Macri is bad, and thus to conserve your understanding of all that is right and wrong in the universe. It is time to grow up. Everything has good and bad. You pick the lesser evil. And the CFK imagery everywhere, the complete lack of accountability, the monologues instead of any real discourse, the double-speak of Anibal and Capitanich (just thinking back is puke-inducing), the INDEC formalization of lying,
the teary-eyed youth listening to the Word, the AFIP intimidation, the 'no hay cepo cambiario', the postal crap (the lying worse than the fact: why not just prohibit parcels from outside? but no...), the complete and lack of any words having their proper meaning, and the list goes on forever. Compared with - government choosing yellow for its color? Sign me up.
Maybe we'll look back in 5 years, in the midst of happy repression, everybody connecting to this site with proxy servers to sneak by the Great Firewall of Macri, and reflect on how bajo called it way back when. Maybe we'll all say, "in Argentina they've cowed all the K supporters into silence and submission". Maybe.
Don't think so.