"trapito" Knocks Customer In One Blow

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
In San Martin,( Provincia) a driver refused to pay for parking near a nightClub the Trapito punched the driver and sent him KO to the hospital with a broken jaw and head injuries due to the fall...!
The message is if you are asked for money to watch your car give him your wallet and cell sofort. B)
Diplomatic way would be to agree to pay..once inside the safety of the car.

Then just drive away to safety as fast as you can.
Diplomatic way would be to agree to pay..once inside the safety of the car.

Then just drive away to safety as fast as you can....bait and switch.
Yeah you better pay the poverty tax collector if you want to park or else.
Why even drive a car in CABA.

There is something about flicking the fingers and hailing a cab..i love it.
Problem is they ask for the money when you get out, after you've parked the car. There are also a couple of places where they wait for taxis and open the doors for you on arrival, hoping they'll pay you something. At the Recoleta Mall and on Cordoba and Corrientes where Florida crosses. I've never paid a trapito for parking or for opening my doors and haven't had problems, but one never knows.

That punk that hit the guy needs to go to prison.
I face the problem when i arrive at Aeroparque..they always ask for money when you sit in the taxi..been witnessing it for years..yet the govt did not do anything about it.
They are a plague! They should be eliminated! I say this with strong conviction as last year I was brutally stabbed as was my friend inside her car and I am convinced it was set up with the "help" of the trapito! And there are many other such plagues here, too, but as a believing Christian who attempts (not always met, though) to live a forgiving life, if I have to choose, I choose my life! I totally realize that many of these are and were poor creatures of horrible upbringings or no upbringings at all, and this is a huge social problem, but I as I said before, I am not willing to pay their price with my life!
They are a plague! They should be eliminated! I say this with strong conviction as last year I was brutally stabbed as was my friend inside her car and I am convinced it was set up with the "help" of the trapito! And there are many other such plagues here, too, but as a believing Christian who attempts (not always met, though) to live a forgiving life, if I have to choose, I choose my life! I totally realize that many of these are and were poor creatures of horrible upbringings or no upbringings at all, and this is a huge social problem, but I as I said before, I am not willing to pay their price with my life!

These sorts in many cases, not all, are animals they have no concept that you have or deserve a life and could care less about it. But for some strange reason they expect you to care about them with hand outs. We have the same vermin over here in Uruguay it disgusts me like I really want some half drunk, filthy dirt creature collecting money from me after diner in a nice restaurant.

The other night I was picking my wife's mother up from church and there were two of these creatures out there. Everyone comes out of the church and next thing you know these two are fighting over their territory while the congregation is getting in their cars to leave.
You are Arnold..one blow to them.and matter will be done nd finished.
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