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  1. D

    Cfk wins

    Did anyone else find it remarkable, if not startling that the FIRST person CFK thanked in her presidential acceptance speech Sunday night was MY DEAR DEAR FRIEND HUGO (CHAVEZ), followed by MARVELOUS EVO (MORALES), RAUL (CASTRO)........ ¨Dime con quien andás y te diré quien sos¨
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    Apartments in BA

    I don't get the garantia thing. Are you talking about kids that just graduate from college and are making pennies at their first job? What about a single yuppie that proves that he is earning 50k - 100k US? He has to go and ask his mommy for a garantia? Can someone please clarify? I find that...
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    Cfk wins

    la chorra mas uno (una)
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    Cfk wins

    Only one major problem? What about the fact that the poverty rate and number of villa miserias is at an all-time high? But supposedly unemployment is low? How can that be? What about the fact that if you leave Argentina, you may as well use your pesos as TOILET PAPER? (A way to measure an...
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    Apartments in BA

    I didn't mean to say that the prices are DIFFERENT for foreigners, the furnished rental landlords I'm sure wouldnt mind taking the asking prices from an Argentine, however no Argentine that I know would pay (or can pay) $500 USD for a bedroom in a shared Recoleta flat or $1800 USD for a...
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    Apartments in BA

    Hi Steven- No, locals do not pay the same prices as foreigners. In Argentina there is the concept of ¨alquiler para extranjeros¨ which is a totally different ball park than the locals. It is priced in US dollars, often times in amounts that are really outrageous for a city like Buenos Aires but...
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    Cristina lost a Friend today

    are you sure that this photo actually represents something and or is legit? A few weeks ago when she was in France, Cristina was hysterical to the point of screaming, about having her photo taken with Sarkozy, and then later used that very same photo to speak about her ¨important negotiations...
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    Virtual Secretary in Bs As?

    I was wondering if the option for a Virtual Secretary service exists in Bs As, like it does in the US/Europe? I basically need to have a line where people can call and have someone at the other end either route the calls to me if I'm available or take very good, complete and detailed messages...
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    How to emit Factura A?

    Can I do this even if I just have a tourist (90 day) visa? Where did you obtain the tax ID and register? thanks
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    How to emit Factura A?

    I have been doing some freelance consulting work and some of my clients are requesting that I emit a ¨Factura A¨ for their records. They have insisted that in order to emit a Factura A, because it is solely for their records than for mine, all I need is to put my info (whatever info that may...
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    Politicians, the new Royalty

    This is business as usual for CFK. For years, she has been widely criticized for those $5,000 (USD) Chanel couture suits she wears, her lavish jewelry, the ¨vacation apartment¨ she owns in NYC worth $6 million USD in which her daughter lived in when she was studying in NYC, etc etc etc etc...
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    ¨The Other Half¨ in BS AS?

    I am starting to believe, despite not personally knowing many, there must be a good bit of Argentine executives and business people earning salaries that might make many ex-pats bat an eyelash, drool even, and that are just as competitve with US and European standards, based on some of the...
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    Pissing off the wrong person in BS AS

    I know many on here have shared numerous experiences dealing with some of their nasty run-ins with the locals, usually having to do with a crooked landlord, but not always necessarily. I am curious, as someone who is living outside of your natural turf (the country in which you are from or...
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    Possible to get a supplementary card as non citizen?

    Is it possible to be added as a secondary/supplementary/authorized user on an Argentine person's bank account/debit card/credit card, without having any type of Argentinean citizenship or documentation? I know that in the US or Europe, for me to add an authorized user to my credit card and get...
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    Imported Good Shops Practically Out of Business!!

    A friend of mine from the States came into Bs As this past weekend, a shopaholic and label-whore, she wanted to check out Bs As ¨top¨ shopping. I had already advised her that here shopping in the sense of shopping in NYC or even in Europe is futile as everything is prohibitively, offensively...
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    BA versus Santiago

    I'm also a 29 year old gay professional from Madrid living in Bs As now who has lived in big cities in both the US and Europe, and I have been numerous times to Santiago as well. Based on your profile, it depends on what from that is the most important priority for you. Financially in terms...
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    Eating on a budget

    Inflation aside (I got here 3 months ago so dont really know), I have found grocery items, like most items in Argentina, to be either ridiculously cheap when compared to US/Europe (I am talking about US-Chicago/NYC, Europe-Madrid/Barcelona, places where I have lived) or outrageous and...
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    Affordable Opera at Colon

    I went to the Colon last month and while it wasnt opera, it was a ballet and only payed 200 pesos for the best available seating (3rd row), known as ¨platea¨
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    3 months in BA?

    It just depends on what you are looking for and your personal situation. It sounds like while you plan to work on your writing, I assume in this time frame you will not be generating any income and will be either living off savings or credit carding it, but perhaps that is just an assumption...
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    Standstill due to the elections?

    Is it just me or are many Argentines kind of in a ¨waiting in the wings¨ standstill moment right now, waiting to see what happens with the presidential elections before making just about ANY important move/decision/transaction in their day-to-day lives? -I am currently in the...