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  1. L

    Friday Drinks 11th Feb

    OOps, forgot the time... Well, people start to gather from 8 onwards, and can go on well into the early hours, depending on the crowd, or until the last one standing.... Different people turn up at any time during the evening, and the beauty of a bar like Breoghan's is that you can mingle and...
  2. L

    new member

    See the Expat Life Forum as there is a meet up tomorrow evening for drinks, as there is every Friday night. Mixed age group (I'm 52 myself!), and mixed nationalities, so feel free to come along and meet fellow travellers.....
  3. L

    Friday Drinks 11th Feb

    Another week has flown by and I am still in Ireland for awhile longer, but that doesn't stop us organising another good night out on a Friday for everyone. Don't forget, our Friday sessions are an open invite to all, new or old to the city, whatever the age, wherever you are from. As the...
  4. L

    Next BA Hash Run - SATURDAY 12th Feb

    Welcome to Hash #534 Yes, another two weeks has floiwn by and another run brought to you by the Buenos Aires Hash House harriers is upon us. This weekend, the run is on Saturday at 4PM, so no excuses for those who claim our usual Sunday runs are too early in the day, this way you can run...
  5. L

    2nd Dumbest Quesition Ever: MACH 3

    Same blades, but Europe has moved on and now uses the 5 blade Fusion system, so old Mach 3 is so yesterday in Europe :)
  6. L

    Arriving in a few weeks!

    As for the social life, keep an eye out (mailnly in the Expat Life or Events Fora), as there are lots of things planned from here, horse riding, running groups (including the Hash House Harriers), and ocassional gatherings for dinner as a group, along with every Friday Night when a group of...
  7. L

    Friday Drinks - 4th Feb

    Johno, glad you enjoyed it, sorry I wasn't there to meet you, but look out for this weeks event, and carry on the fun....
  8. L

    Six Nations Rugby

    OK - Roundup of the weekend. England looked good in patches against Wales, and with three home games now, will be tough to dislodge. Wales on the other hand are still unsure of who to play at Fly Half and are still in transition. Ireland were terrible against Italy, and only Ronan's coolness...
  9. L

    Six Nations Rugby

    Blast - England won...... Oh well, Next stop Rome...
  10. L

    laptop customs -tax? Thow box?

    Depends if you are Argentine or British as to hastle, but best thing is to lose the box, and ensure there is something personal on the machine... You have 15 hours of travel toi do something :)...... Odds are low they will ask, but naturally, its your own personal machine.....
  11. L

    Friday Drinks - 4th Feb

    Johnno, not far at all., just head for the centre of town, and follow your nose to the scotch. The way home will be easier. eventually! Mind you, Jameson is nicer than Scotch!
  12. L

    Chelsea v Liverpool

    The Gibraltar shows all the Premiership Games, at the expense of local football, when it is open. Say hi to Beaver for me....
  13. L

    Friday Drinks - 4th Feb

    The week has flown by and it's Friday again and the end of the week, the fin de semana.... So, what better way to start the weekend but meet up with fellow ex-pats, long-termers, travellers, and locals alike, for a drink to kick start the break... This week the regular crew will be heading to...
  14. L

    Going to visit BA and want to know where expats, stay, eat, drink,meet

    Well, As someone who doesn't live in Palermo or Recoleta, but in Buenos Aires instead of Little TouristVille, I do use a megatlon gym in Avellaneda, under the auspices of Racing Club (Football Team), and find them great for my needs. However, I have heard tales that some in the Palermo end can...
  15. L

    BA Hash Run Sunday Jan 30th.....

    Please note that the above post from dressale is quite obviously SPAM...... You don't have to wear a Prom Dress to run in a hash (although it has been known!)...
  16. L

    Friday Jan 28th - Meet Up for Drinks - Frinks

    Sadly I won't be there again as I am still home in a freezing cold Ireland. But I will raise a glass or two of my own, and think of y'all having fun behind the Red Door.....
  17. L

    Six Nations Rugby

    Never mind, it's only the warm up game for the real teams.... Ireland play on Saturday the 5th :)
  18. L

    drinks this weekend

    There is a regular group who meet up on Fridays for drinks, see "Expat Life" Forum, and you will be more than welcome.... And there are always plenty of different groups setting up meetings for drinks, coffee, shopping, travel, just keep you eyes on the various fora.....
  19. L

    BA Hash Run Sunday Jan 30th.....

    Hi all, well here are the details for the next Hash Run this coming Sunday. It's a little out of the way, up in Tigre, but I can guarantee it is worth the effort to get out there, as the location is fantastic and the host even better. Sadly I am still out of the country, so won't be able to help...
  20. L

    Hi! Coming to BA Feb 17 ;)

    Since when has San Telmo been far... You don't know what you've been missing :)... But as I will be missing this week, (back in Ireland for a few weeks), I'll raise a galss back here......