Search results

  1. mariano-BCN

    A Tango Show Which Is Not A Rip-Off?

    I'm looking for a place with a tango show, including dancers, which is not like el Viejo Almacén and other rip-off places in San Telmo and Puerto Madero. Anybody?
  2. mariano-BCN

    Mercado Central?

    Is somebody going to Mercado Central with a car? I would like to have a look there, have heard so many positive things about it. But since I don't have a car I would like to share gas and costs. I may go any day, just let me know: 15 61557337, Cheers
  3. mariano-BCN

    Prepaga Health Insurance

    That immense crowd at the Hospital Italiano gives me the creeps. So many patients waiting in line anywhere, it looks like a public hospital so depressing.
  4. mariano-BCN

    Prepaga Health Insurance

    I'm considering dropping Hospital Italiano 'cause it's always so full with patients, long waiting lists and the quality of medics is not as good as expected. I'm doubting between Swiss Medical, but they have so many plans, I can't make a choice. Or is OSDE better? it cost a bit more. I'm 49...
  5. mariano-BCN

    Prepaga Health Insurance

    I'm surprised about the differences in costs between Hospital Italiano (7780 pesos A YEAR, with 7% discount 'cause I pay once a year) and Swiss Medical/OSDE...I wonder if the differences in quality of medics and resources are that big too?
  6. mariano-BCN

    Prepaga Health Insurance

    `i'm at Hospital Italiano, I pay 7.880 pesos a year with twice a year an extra pay of honored something. I'm 49 y and more or less healthy. But every time I visit a specialist I've to pay a co-pago of 30 something. The quality of doctors is ok though the administration is a mess. I would...
  7. mariano-BCN

    Conversation Group?

    i wonder if the thought was a language exchange, if so I'm not interested. I'm as I mentioned before more to talk and exchange experiences about living here par example, making your way into a social net here, dealing with politics, etc.
  8. mariano-BCN

    Conversation Group?

    If you find one or decided to form one: let me know. I was used to attend small conversation groups in Barcelona and Amsterdam, they were prepared by a host with a brief introduction about a topic -political, historical, social, cultural but also "small" issues like making friends among...
  9. mariano-BCN

    Buying Property: Transfer Funds From/to Foreign Accounts?

    mmh, interesting topic, I'm looking for a place to buy too.
  10. mariano-BCN

    Air Conditioning Repair

    Since a few days I noticed the power of the airco was getting weaker. Impossible to find somebody to come over I thought. I had today finally a guy called Titto Poggi who came, he put some gas into the external part, it seems to be required every couple of years, and charged me 700 pesos. I got...
  11. mariano-BCN

    Quality Bike Store That Won't Rip Me Off?

    I did some survey on price and quality before buying a bike. I went to 3 bike shops in San Telmo -where I live- and had a look at Mercado Libre. I went finally for a second time to Bike Shop in the centre, their un-porteño kindness and friendless made me buy there, the price was only 100 peso...
  12. mariano-BCN

    Where To Buy Electronics?

    Electronics here are a way much expensive than in Europe but for some of them I don't have much choice than to buy them here. But even then I don't to pay too much. I need some small kitchen electronics like a mixer, a heater (with the temperature for the mate), etc. I've looked in Mercado...
  13. mariano-BCN

    Driving License

    I looked up but I couldn't find the answer to my question in former dissuasions: I've a Dutch driving license and I'm trying to figure out where I can request for the Argentinean driving license HAVING a Argentinean nationality as well. Anybody?
  14. mariano-BCN

    Act Of Cruelty By A Veterinarian

    incredible how these idiots react, the one "chupame bien la pija", is a typical patotero.
  15. mariano-BCN

    Freefall Dolar Blue

    But they may always get more loans (yes, there are always crazy banks out there willing to give loans to crazy politicians) AND she's got the soy and mining as a extra incomes for the national reserves. The K's are great in surviving the most difficult times, they lie and cheat, but are...
  16. mariano-BCN

    Freefall Dolar Blue

    this forum seems to be the place to be for those who love predict what's going to happen to the euro dolar/euro and never get it right. I read before the dollar was going to pass the magic line of 10 in June, then it was after the two elections -certainly in October-, and now in December or...
  17. mariano-BCN

    6 Weeks In Medellin Or Buenos Aires?

    Medellin, absolutely the first in all terms, way before than BsArs. In safety, cleanness, green areas, friendly people, costs, food and uncomplicated life.
  18. mariano-BCN

    Suggestion For A Place Not Far From Bsars To Spend Days?

    anybody suggestions for a hostel, quinta, cabaña for 4 persons (3 in their twenties, I nearly 50) for 10 days in December near x-Mas? Specially with a pool would be great, or with the possibility to rent horses. Not very far away from BsArs, in the provincia. I heard Tandil could be an option...
  19. mariano-BCN

    Moreno Quits ... Tommorrow Holiday....?

    yeahhhhh oh poor argentineans amigos"s! they may drop by for a quick lunch!
  20. mariano-BCN

    Moreno Quits ... Tommorrow Holiday....?

    let's celebrate! hopefully will the dollar/euro get a boost