Search results

  1. EJLarson

    Us Embassy Says Americans Have No Right To A Passport

    Google provided this. It's not an official response, but confirms what most of us believe: a US citizen can only be denied a passport for specific, enumerated reasons. Absent those, the application can't be denied. "Federal law entitles all U.S. citizens to a U.S. passport, but applicants...
  2. EJLarson

    American Airlines 'standard Operating Procedure'?

    When an airline just can't get a break:
  3. EJLarson

    American Airlines 'standard Operating Procedure'?

    Hilarious indeed, but found myself almost agreeing with our fictional Mr. Booker that taking a beating would be preferable to enduring one more agonizing flight.
  4. EJLarson

    Coffee Chat Tuesday April 11, 4-7Pm (Palermo Soho)

    Guess I just assumed you'd be a Barcelona fan.
  5. EJLarson

    Smart Tvs In Argentina - What Do You Use?

    Both. You can get the free version, or pay for Plex Pass that lets you do more things and adds bells/whistles, but if it's simple streaming the free version's good enough - you'll need the Plex Server app for your source computer and a Plex client for your end device. I have a smart Sony here in...
  6. EJLarson

    Coffee Chat Tuesday April 11, 4-7Pm (Palermo Soho)

    Are you sorry now?
  7. EJLarson

    American Airlines 'standard Operating Procedure'?

    There are a lot of "ifs." It wasn't UA people who roughed him up, but who do the "Chicago Aviation Police" report to? Sounds like they're city employees. As I remember the old Contract Law classes, if the Aviation Police can be declared to be agents of UA, then United is screwed - not for...
  8. EJLarson

    American Airlines 'standard Operating Procedure'?

    United lawyer: "I'd like to ask a question of you all. Please raise your hand if you've had a recent bad experience with an airline." "Uh ... your honor?"
  9. EJLarson

    American Airlines 'standard Operating Procedure'?

    Not a lawyer, but this should hinge on contract law, as well as the ticket's fine print. You're absolutely correct that if this had been handled pre-board there would have been no incident - nasty crap happens all the time in airports. But - if they issued him a boarding pass with seat...
  10. EJLarson

    American Airlines 'standard Operating Procedure'?

    When that stuff ferments ...
  11. EJLarson

    Coffee Chat Tuesday April 11, 4-7Pm (Palermo Soho)

    Hope it isn't because you don't feel appreciated here!
  12. EJLarson

    American Airlines 'standard Operating Procedure'?

    Yeah, it was the airline I'm flying to the US on in a couple of weeks. I'll be watching this story closely. The second-wave reports say the guy was removed to make space for United employees who needed to deadhead to their next job. My question is: did this guy have a boarding pass with an...
  13. EJLarson

    Provisioning A New Modem, With Fibertel

    I've used Fibertel customer support a few times with mixed results, but usually ended up with what I wanted. Have you just called their tech support and asked "Puedo reemplazar el modem suyo con uno que yo compré, y cómo?" Never know, you might get an answer.
  14. EJLarson

    Coffee Chat Tuesday April 4, 4-7Pm (New Location In Palermo)

    Enjoyed the new, indoor option. As a bonus, when we left (around 20:00) found a reasonable, more than adequate parrilla restaurant right around the corner: La Clotilde (Salguero y Cerviño).
  15. EJLarson

    For Those Who Have A Local Bank Account....

    Hey, no fair! You took all three most-used Argentine words! So, from the second tier: Pendejo Desgraciado Cuotas
  16. EJLarson

    Coffee Chat Tuesday April 4, 4-7Pm (New Location In Palermo)

    Will you be there? Or are you out of town?
  17. EJLarson

    Paraguay V Argentina, Lifestyle And Taxes

    Unconfirmed reports say that he was seen on the streets of Asunción carrying a gas can.
  18. EJLarson

    New Immigration Decree, Long Life To King Macri!

    See? He learns from you and is just too afraid of embarassing you to mention it.
  19. EJLarson

    New Immigration Decree, Long Life To King Macri!

    Ben, Ben, They're just nouns and verbs. And we know, they're all interchangeable at will. Bajo knew what you were really trying to say.
  20. EJLarson

    Coffee Chat Tuesday, 28/03 Alto Palermo

    Great time, and wonderful to see some of the old crowd (esp. Esteban and M), with an unexpected, surprise appearance late in the day by ... my wife! Thanks, guys.