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  1. EJLarson

    Coffee Chat Tuesday, 28/03 Alto Palermo

    Even swimming?
  2. EJLarson

    Owner Selling Apt While I'm Renting

    Absolutely unsafe. I have two acquaintances, one renting her income apartment, the other a real estate agent, who were robbed at gunpoint and forcibly drugged, in her case, while showing properties to "clients" who had made appointments with them. Prepare for the worst and never do one-on-one.
  3. EJLarson

    Argentina: Huge Arms Purchase

    That's a value judgement and you're entitled to it. But I think the gist of the thread was "Argentina's going to significantly beef up its military - to what purpose?" Subsequent comments pointed out that there's not much military beef in that amount of money.
  4. EJLarson

    Argentina: Huge Arms Purchase

    In today's world, 280 M$US wouldn't buy enough weaponry to threaten anyone. Per the article, that might have bought ten fighter planes two or three years ago. If we're going to invade Uruguay it will take a lot more than that - and the Malvinas are farther away and better defended.
  5. EJLarson

    Coffee Chat Tuesday, 28/03 Alto Palermo

    ... and I, but more importantly, with my wife if no crisis intervenes.
  6. EJLarson

    Other Chats Not In English

    The exciting news is: now! Just got in yesterday, and plan to attend Tuesday's chat. With luck, con mi esposa.
  7. EJLarson

    Other Chats Not In English

    If they include subtitles I might try one.
  8. EJLarson

    Paraguay V Argentina, Lifestyle And Taxes

    Yeah, Brookstone added them to their stock. A little dicey getting them on the plane, though.
  9. EJLarson

    Bringing Woodshop/construction Tools?

    Coming from New York? Will these guys like 220V/50Hz?
  10. EJLarson

    Argentine Art Gallery Owner Denied Entry Into Us

    Yeah, Mitch, you're spot on. When he said "He was deported because he is a foreigner. Simple," it all became blindingly clear. I really feel dumb that I ever thought there might be more to it than that. God, it's good to have bajo here to keep us straight. Too bad about his NYC vacation...
  11. EJLarson

    New Immigration Decree, Long Life To King Macri!

    Well, this should certainly answer anyone who claims that bajo doesn't have good, reasoned arguments for his positions. (And for the "registered profesional and this is all what you need to know" asserting that an Argentine can enter on a foreign passport, but cannot leave on it? My wife...
  12. EJLarson

    Let S Talk About Cultural Differences....!

    ... but that's self-correcting as it eats through your stomach lining. (I'm not a fan.)
  13. EJLarson

    Argentine Art Gallery Owner Denied Entry Into Us

    Yeah. Very strange, indeed. Nothing stops him from saying "and they told me that the denial was because of X or Y" - or that they told him nothing. Would be enlightening to know what TSA said. If there was injustice then we can get fired up, but there's a big hole in this report as it stands.
  14. EJLarson

    Let's Un-Cancel Coffee Chat!

    And I won't be back till next month! Damn! Pass my apologies to Mystery Guest M, please. (Is she just on a visit, or does this portend a return?)
  15. EJLarson

    New Immigration Decree, Long Life To King Macri!

    Not true. It's the holder's choice.
  16. EJLarson

    New Immigration Decree, Long Life To King Macri!

    Thanks for the clarification. I was about to fall asleep from boredom, but being included in bajo's mandatory Hitler reference (he's not allowed to post unless he invokes Adolf at least once a day), that's real status! I'm a little disappointed, though, that he wasn't able to weave some...
  17. EJLarson

    Immigration For Dummies

    Glad to see you're getting your rest. It will make you feel so much better.
  18. EJLarson

    Immigration For Dummies

    But you said he wasn't a lawyer. How could the law apply to him?
  19. EJLarson

    Protest Trump Inauguration And Women's March At Us Embassy

    Calling bullshit on hypocrisy is not trolling. If posting requires providing detailed solutions to every problem noted, this would become a very lonely place, because all posting would stop. But maybe this post violates your third, unwritten rule: "has to agree with me, politically." Edit...
  20. EJLarson

    Coffee Chat Tuesday Jan 24Th 4-7 Pm Starbucks Alto Palermo

    Wimps! If I would have been there I would have made everyone stay till 8:00 (or until I caught a taxi).