Welcome to the ignore list for trolling.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm sure I will be as informed and better off on that list.
Welcome to the ignore list for trolling.
Clarification: if the foreigner is considered an enemy, then the DNM is a counterpart. Not white race foreigner = enemy = Carl Smidtt = Perón Constitution copied from the 3rd Reich = Nazi = Hitler = EjLarson trolling with the "whatever" syndrome.
Perhaps you could be more explicit? Which police? Or are you referring to immigration officials?As i was leaving Ezeia airport today like any day ( frequent traveler) on my Argie passport. Despite that, lot of questioning by police to me cos of my skin color.
Brown skin guys - be prepared mentally when passing thru Ezeiza now
Perhaps you could be more explicit? Which police? Or are you referring to immigration officials?
What kind of questions were they asking you and at what stage of your entry did this take place?
You must now also have residency of some kind?