Argentina: Huge Arms Purchase


Jun 6, 2005
I saw a brief TV news item stating that Argentina is going to spend something like $280 million dollars on arms. Anyone have any information on this?
I saw a brief TV news item stating that Argentina is going to spend something like $280 million dollars on arms. Anyone have any information on this?

Maybe it meant choris. Powerful weapons under the Ks, a lot cheaper than firearms.
Not new news, but perhaps part of this:
In today's world, 280 M$US wouldn't buy enough weaponry to threaten anyone. Per the article, that might have bought ten fighter planes two or three years ago. If we're going to invade Uruguay it will take a lot more than that - and the Malvinas are farther away and better defended.
Seems a great deal of money for a country that struggles to provide basic social services and faces zero defense threats.
Seems a great deal of money for a country that struggles to provide basic social services and faces zero defense threats.

That's a value judgement and you're entitled to it. But I think the gist of the thread was "Argentina's going to significantly beef up its military - to what purpose?" Subsequent comments pointed out that there's not much military beef in that amount of money.
That's a value judgement and you're entitled to it. But I think the gist of the thread was "Argentina's going to significantly beef up its military - to what purpose?" Subsequent comments pointed out that there's not much military beef in that amount of money.

Could you tell me what opinion ISN'T a value judgment?