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    Fed Ex here? reliable?

    Citygirl: Thanks so much. I guess I will have them delivered to my apartment here and hope for the best. I am sure at this point they would not arrive until Monday, but we will see. Can you tell me where the Fed Ex office you used is? Did they speak english (not a huge deal if not)
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    Fed Ex here? reliable?

    I have to receive some urgent documents overnight from the States. They want to send them Fed Ex. Does anyone have any experience with using Fed Ex here? Will they arrive overnight? Then what about sending them back? Please let me know it is super urgent. Thank you.
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    It's SUPER SUNDAY!!!

    As a Vikes fan, I too understand long-suffering. And very recent suffering. I gotta pull for the Pack though representing the "Norris Division".
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    It's SUPER SUNDAY!!!

    Not caring?!!! The US Embassy will have someone at the gate today collecting US passports for those not caring! @PhilipDT et al. The not caring has nothing to do with distance. No doubt you did not care prior to moving to Argentina, and would not care if you lived in Dallas. Fair enough...
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    It's SUPER SUNDAY!!!

    C'mon people, sure we are 4500 miles away, I can barely detect the faint aroma of buffalo wings, and there is no blue cheese dipping sauce to be found (except maybe a Jumbo). But not a single post about Super Sunday?!!! Is it going to be "Grande Ben's" 3rd anillo? I am sure most Argentines...
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    Rant: If you don't know how to make the drink, just tell me...

    I have worked in bars on 3 separate continents, including this one (in BsAs), and a DRY MARTINI, is made the same way everywhere. Katherine you are just flat wrong! It is not an opinion issue. It is a fact. Now if the argument was they gave me gin instead of vodka, you could argue that it...
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    You are eating dog food....

    Lee: perhaps you did not read the headline, perhaps you have such a blessed life that after an all night bender in West Hollywood at like 5am and really kind of jonesing for a frozen burrito and realizing your roommate sold your microwave, you have not been reduced to nibbling a bit of kibbel...
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    Orthopedist or some kind of doctor needed

    So not sure what i need, but I have this "numb/tingly" feeling in my left hand pinky and ring finger. I think it is probably from excessive "keyboarding" (yes that phrase is trademarked/patent pending), but not sure. Maybe its carpal tunnel or any one of those repetitive injury things. so I...
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    You are eating dog food....

    ...if you are not getting your empanadas from Pizza Chopi!!! Holy Crap!!, they are amazing and I have been eating my body weight in empanadas for 5 months now. An Argentine friend turned my wife on to this place and I just had them. Wow!! Not traditional shape (like little pastry volcanoes...
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    Anyone come back from the US in the past week or two?

    Latest Update: OK so I flew out of LaGuardia (via DC) to EZE on United. (I had booked with Continental but this part of the trip was serviced by United and I had to log in to to reserve my seat). As I mentioned above I could not check in online. I got to the airport early and the...
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    Indoor football (=soccer), anyone?

    Where is the field? I would like to check it out.
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    Visa/DNI questions

    BAwith Kids, I think you are not fully understanding the process. It is my understanding, to get a DNI you need a Visa of some category besides tourist. I think the ARCA fee was for getting your Visa and DNI. If it is just getting DNIs after you have received visas on your own, then yes, it...
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    Anyone come back from the US in the past week or two?

    Just tried to check-in at to complete a round-trip originating in BA and was asked for proof of onward travel and it says I have to "check-in" at the airport. So we will see how it goes.
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    An Ex-Expat's Observations from the US

    I don't think so either as I am pretty sure this is Argentina? Let me get this straight: You are an ancient hippie American living in Paris, ranting about U.S. politics on a Buenos Aires message board? Your purported girlfriend must be boring as hell. (Yeah, I so went there!!!) Did I miss...
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    An Ex-Expat's Observations from the US

    Shut the Front Door!!! Oliver Stone is on this message board? I thought aging hippies all died in like the late 90's? Are you still relevant? Really Vietnam War...that's like just after the Pre-Cambrian Period right? Anyway, Back to the OP. Hope you are enjoying it. Please have some...
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    Bags of milk and other questions about Argentinian life.

    I believe the Final Sequel in the Trilogy is: Milk in a Pitcher: The Journey from Plastic to Glass. (and you save up to $2 pesos). Or perhaps you prefer the 4th installment: Milk Box trapped in a Landfill: Escape from Staten Island. As for the toilet paper thing, after 6 months I have yet...
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    sugar, oh lordy, lordy

    I would bet that if you take out "Cleaning ladies" and "Old men", Argentina would drop to at least 17th.
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    sugar, oh lordy, lordy

    I have to respectfully, but strongly disagree. Except among upper middle class, college educated, urban liberal elite, Trader Joe/Whole Food/Food blog set this is totally not the case. If you travel the country (which I did this last Summer through the South) it is McDonald's, Arby's, Burger...
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    sugar, oh lordy, lordy

    In certain places down there it might be welcome....
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    sugar, oh lordy, lordy

    No different in the States. Literally saw a kid in shopping cart (maybe like 3 or 4) guzzling a 1 liter bottle of Coke. Plus, have you been to the school vending machine. Most kids get their sugar these days as liquid yummy HFCS (high fructose corn syrup). "HFCS the American Way!" (I am...