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  1. J

    Want/need Something From The Us?

    Vegemite :)
  2. J

    Happy Valentine's (Or Should I Say Feast Of Vali...:)

    Just a quick one to say happy valentine's/Feast of Vali on the offchance any traditional European heathens (Germanic heathens - followers of our ancestral indigenous European faith) are out there or reading this... If you are and you are in town and you want somewhere to make the blot/sumbel -...
  3. J

    Penetrit Anyone ?

    Damn - still no joy - but my partner says she has one of the local ferreteria guys who is going to call her as soon as he can get some in... Seriously - this stuff is magic. I have one custom Peter Johnson (the swedish smith) sword that is worth BIG bucks - but the scabbard that was made for it...
  4. J


    Thats what I need right now - a good thick juicy steak (lomito or whatever) dripping with blood, with pappas and a good bottle of vino tinto :) That for me is one of the best things about this place - there is an amazingly good Asado place in Palermo - Don Julio or something its called - what...
  5. J

    Penetrit Anyone ?

    I've not tried Iznogud but thanks for the tip ! :)
  6. J

    How You Imagine Forum Members

    What khairyexpat? The mate/cigarette/breakfast or the divine video ? ;) lol I'm hoping its the first option :) lol
  7. J

    Penetrit Anyone ?

    Hi GringoBoy - WD40 is not bad but this penetrit works like magic on my expensive collectible knives and swords (the non Japanese ones) etc... It just seems to do a better job on rust (avoiding it and getting it back under control) than anything else I have found here - and sadly the tin I have...
  8. J

    Penetrit Anyone ?

    lol :) I knew someone would have to have a go ;) lol Next it will be penetrit and prostitution in Argentina :)
  9. J

    Penetrit Anyone ?

    Thanks Frenchie - I've never used them before - still more of a go to the physical shop kinda guy but will check it out...
  10. J

    How You Imagine Forum Members

    Warning - do not watch this before your morning mate/cigarette/breakfast :) After would be much better :) lol
  11. J

    How You Imagine Forum Members

    Yes - here's a video :) lol
  12. J

    Penetrit Anyone ?

    Okay - this is a legit post - honestly... Nothing about prostitution, sex, trannies, really...:) lol This stuff is great - it comes in a spray can - usually armerias and ferreterias have it - but since moving back to Belgrano everyone has told me no no no - either they have just run out or they...
  13. J

    How You Imagine Forum Members

    First, that ain't no woman :) Second, yes it is :) lol
  14. J

    Eat Free On Your Birthday

    NOW you're on my page Ceviche - I think if the girls were prepared to give us THAT sort of a ''gift'' on our birthdays that would be wonderful indeed :) (I mean the ''working girls'' of course :) It only comes once a year after all (the birthday...:)
  15. J

    Should Prostitution Be Made Illegal In Argentina?

    Well - I have been thinking of taking on a third job recently...:)
  16. J

    Where`s The Beef ?

    I don't know really - for me the meat here has always been good - its one of my favourite things about the place :)
  17. J

    How You Imagine Forum Members

    (I still prefer him in that little red number - but you know what they say folks, ''what goes on tour, stays on tour...'':)
  18. J

    How You Imagine Forum Members

    Here is a much more flattering pic of Joe (have to be fair...:)
  19. J

    How You Imagine Forum Members

    Okay - now I am going to use that pic...:) You asked for it Joe - nobody else on here knows your previous working name of ''divine'' or about the infamous doggy do incident - but as you know, I was there with my camera at the time...:) lol
  20. J

    Best Japanese Food Outside Of Japan (So Far...:)

    You're getting me HUNGRY again my friend :) lol