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  1. J

    Best Japanese Food Outside Of Japan (So Far...:)

    It will be good to meet you when you do - send me a message when you are heading this way ;)
  2. J

    Should Prostitution Be Made Illegal In Argentina?

    I'm trying to think what we used to call that in the old days - the power of the something... Anyway - sounds like it will be a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE campaign I think...;) Maybe its just me but I always picture the average Japanese couple standing in the bedroom bowing to each other and ''dozo''...
  3. J

    Buenos Aires Needs A Red Light Zone

    I agree niaruccia :) I've met some really nice prostitutes in my time (socially of course :) and most of them were far nicer people than my two ex wives :) lol
  4. J

    Beef Jerky In Arg

    NOW you're talking Vero ;) I miss my Biltong :) Haven't had any in ages... Its not that hard to make though and the quality of the beef here is amazing...
  5. J

    Finally Back In Belgrano - Favourite Bars Anyone ?

    So, I'm finally back in Belgrano in the long term rental that I wanted - the shift nearly killed me but we made it... Now I am back in Belgrano the next thing is this - to find a really good drinking/watering hole... What would be great would be a good British style pub but if anyone has...
  6. J

    Has Anyone Tried Doing A Drop Shipping Business?

    Ideally what you want is a telephone or internet based business where you don't physically have to move ''product'' - your ''product'' in effect is virtual - a service - that is where I would be looking I think...
  7. J

    Should Prostitution Be Made Illegal In Argentina?

    I think that quote sums it up well...:)
  8. J

    Anyone Been To Colonia Lately?

    The best option is if you can get an introduction to a cave here that will give you dollars in the hand here - they do exist but obviously you need the right connection to get that intro...
  9. J

    Best Japanese Food Outside Of Japan (So Far...:)

    Yes - you got it in one Joe - Natto :) lol You know the dish - the one the Japanese themselves think is really weird when they hear one of us ''gaijin'' actually eats it or likes it :) lol Where were you? I was in Makuharihongo about 7 stops from Chiba (or jumping the main line in Tsudanama 30...
  10. J

    Best Japanese Food Outside Of Japan (So Far...:)

    Not sure - but I know this - it was the best Japanese menu I have seen in a while - *very* complete - they EVEN have shabu shabu and would you believe it, Nutto? :) lol I couldn't believe my eyes :) Myself and my partner ordered about 4 dishes, a good bottle of red, a few sakes and so on and I...
  11. J

    Best Japanese Food Outside Of Japan (So Far...:)

    What can I say? IF you are a bit of a Nihontophile like me - or just miss the taste of real Japanese food - I (now) live close enough to this place to walk even - best damn Japanese food outside of Japan that I have eaten... I *knew* it was going to be good as I walked in the door - outside the...
  12. J

    Best Japanese Food Outside Of Japan (So Far...:)

    I finally found the sort of place I have been looking for - after 4 years in Argentina - a Japanese resto as good as the ones in Japan :)
  13. J

    Should Prostitution Be Made Illegal In Argentina?

    GarryL Nazi prostitution now ? Not sure what that is but it sure sounds kinky ? You mean the girls dressing up in black uniforms and wearing boots and carrying whips and batons and things like that ? :)
  14. J

    Buenos Aires Needs A Red Light Zone

    Khairyexpat - this is NOT fair - I've been here more than 4 years now and not been propositioned once :( Maybe I hang out in the wrong places...
  15. J

    Buenos Aires Needs A Red Light Zone

    Damn - I miss out on all the fun :) lol
  16. J

    Buenos Aires Needs A Red Light Zone

    lol :)
  17. J

    Buenos Aires Needs A Red Light Zone

    PS Ceviche - if you're planning a traditional pagan Roman style orgy or something the *least* you could do is to INVITE us all ? :) (Never been to one myself :)
  18. J

    Buenos Aires Needs A Red Light Zone

    I have to admit that for me personally most of the last 16 pages has been caught up in judeo-xtian ideology and morality more than anything else :) What can I say? Thank the Gods I am a pagan - I don't have these issues...:) (I follow the religion my ancestors were following long before that...
  19. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Thanks mate - but I have a feeling that with what we have to hit the lawyer (ex judge) de facto hubby with he is going to be more than happy to settle as quickly and quietly as possible - its going to get ugly for him if he doesn't - and its certainly not going to be a great way for him to...
  20. J

    Xmas Rental Nightmare - Advice Please - Where To From Here ?

    Guys - a quick update for those who are interested - we are moving into our long term rental apartment within days - and the ex landlady from hell and her hubby will be back from their holidays in Uruguay - myself and my partner will be confronting them some time next week demanding our money...