Search results

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    2.5 Kilos Blueberries For 70 Pesos...anyone Want?

    Really? No one?? They're great for smoothies and blueberry muffins and you'll have some left when the verdulerias don't have them anymore :) (I'm not making a profit on them...just trying to make some room in my freezer!)
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    2.5 Kilos Blueberries For 70 Pesos...anyone Want?

    Hi everyone, I just received a 5 kilo order of blueberries and always sell the other bag since they take up half my freezer if not. It's a 2.5 kilo bag (frozen). I'm 1 block from the Facultad de Medicina subte stop. PM me if you want them! I'll be home this evening and tomorrow morning or we...
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    How The Police Raided Bus No 10 This Morning Outside The Cf

    I don't believe the news reports everything. But in my experience, if a bus is robbed and 2 people are shot, especially in Capital, you're going to hear about it from more than just one poster on a forum.
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    How The Police Raided Bus No 10 This Morning Outside The Cf

    Yes, I must say I found the story odd since there has been nothing in the news since and 2 people were supposedly shot. Pretty sure it would have been in a news source somewhere since it makes the headlines when drivers get their fingers cut off. Anyway, I'm glad I don't get as upset about or...
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    Moving To Argentina

    I am normally upbeat with these posters and say "do it." Yes, do it, but as a vacation if you want to see how you like the city because $1400 will not get you far. I came in Feb of 2007 when I was 23 after saving up a good 8,000.
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    Seeking Male Cruise Buddy March 2013 Bsas-New York City

    Great idea! I hope you can find someone who's interested.
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    Turn In Your Monedero And Get Your Sube Today And Tomorrow

    You can still use the paper ticket, yes.
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    Turn In Your Monedero And Get Your Sube Today And Tomorrow

    Hi everyone, Didn't see another post about this. If any of you are still using your Monedero for public transport, they are saying that it will not work after tomorrow. You can turn it in and get your SUBE free of charge. I just got done with replacing mine and was amazed at how easy and quick...
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    Miami To Buenos Aires $291 / Jfk To Buenos Aires $386

    Thanks, I did. No dice.
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    Miami To Buenos Aires $291 / Jfk To Buenos Aires $386

    They were coming up for me for $340 total cost for example, Miami to EZE March 12 through April 4th, but by the time I talked to my parents and decided on days and times and got them to agree, I clicked "select" and the price had changed to almost $800. Very frustrating! :( I've tried more dates...
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    Miami To Buenos Aires $291 / Jfk To Buenos Aires $386

    Ok, finding some on Orbitz now. Thanks!
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    Miami To Buenos Aires $291 / Jfk To Buenos Aires $386

    I've been searching and these prices aren't coming up for Jan through June. Has anyone else found them? Thanks
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    Baby Items For Sale

    Can these types of posts not please be deleted? They serve no purpose and belong in the trolling category. Get off your high horse. Or better yet, stay on it and ride over to Salvation Army or your nearest church this afternoon to donate a few of your own things. Many expats (both buyers and...
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    Someone To Host A Thanksgiving Dinner This Year?

    Did anyone go to Capt Dave's Thanksgiving dinner a few years back? That was awesome. Where did he ever sail off to?
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    Using Paypal To Send $Usd Money

    That all depends on your landlord. If you find an apt. owned by a landlord with a bank account outside the country, then it would most likely be an option. We accept PayPal, for example, but ours is occupied!
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    paying rent in dollars

    We've rented it every time to the first person who came to look at it and the apt. has never been empty. These "groups" are not as small as you think. When that ceases to be the case, then we'll see what happens. In the meantime, there are tons of people (short and long-term tenants) willing to...
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    paying rent in dollars

    We have an apt. that we only accept dollars for, and I can assure you that none of our tenants have ever felt they are being screwed with. On the contrary, they are always willing to act as a reference for the next tenant who comes along. We are up front from the beginning about only renting it...
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    Who want free coffee beans?

    Yes, I wasn't going to get into it, but it's just not true! Last they will...but not with their flavor.
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    Who want free coffee beans?

    claimed :)
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    Who want free coffee beans?

    Who wantS. Can we not edit the topic titles?