Search results

  1. T

    Japanese Art Festival in Av. de Mayo 575

    From Tuesday to Sunday, 14 to 20 hrs, you can visit a little Japan in the midtown of Buenos Aires. Japanse Art Festival is held in Casa de la Cultura of the Ministry of Culture of Buenos Aires City Goverment on Av. de Mayo 575. (Cross the innner garden and get down into the Secod Groud Floor)...
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    Different brazil visa problem

    Some of Japaneses get easily in Puerto Iguazu and Encarnacion. Good luck!
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    beauty and the beast

    I agreed with all. I went on Saturday afternoon with my two daughters. We got at 4 pm and got good location as Platea Vip Fila 21 a 24 for 5 pm function, but off course I bought on 21 line (160 pesos) but there were nobody on 20 line (it costs 180 pesos ) so my younger daughter went to 20 line...
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    Winter Olympics

    I have just watched the first propaganda about coverge for the Vancouver Olimpics at T y C Sports. I am a fan of Clyde Getty, Free Style Player, born in USA but represent Argentina.
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    In any part of Palermo Park, he has to ask people, who are getting togther with a ball to play, FALTA UNO? if they say Si, he can start to play...
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    Corrientes and Maipu - best location in Buenos Aires

    An Argentinian friend of mine has an furnished aparment house in Corrientes and Maipu. There are two rooms (one bedroom has two single beds which you can use as one, and in living room one sofa cama, and kitchen and bath room, Internet with views from 16 th floor in the center area. Nothig for...
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    Tango show?

    Every Milonga so nice! Also, Centro Cultural Borges and Homero Manzi, please check late show (they sometimes have with best dancers) after the dinner, at midnight. To add, I love CAFE TORTONI Av. de Mayo 825, which has more than 150 years history place, is more than a coffe shop. As people who...
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    The BEST BA blog!

    Good BLOGS I love them. Steve, I love a girl with red poncho and Buenos Aires street. Let me introduce my blog, sorry only in Japanese... and some Spanish
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    Cheapest way to book airfare in Argentina?

    Hello, I sometime use as StevePalermo said, but sometimes it had better calling directly to Aerolineas Argentianas, parhaps you can find some promotion . 0810-222-VOLAR(86527) If you are patiente, try LADE the airplans are so small and old, but the...
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    I take my daughers to Julio Bocca in Galerias Pacifico Shopping on every Friday, even they just have started on Abril, very goog and cheaper I think if you got cupones (250 pesos for 10 clases). According to some girls who assist in Julio Bocca, as for Teatro Colon in Libertad the classes are...
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    I had a bagel in Bar 6 on Armenia 1600 street, Palermo Soho, I am not sure that it is so good as you dream, but in any way for your information.
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    Moving to BA in July 09

    Hello, I asked today to the Director of Argentinian Spanish - Japanese- English Shool, said that do not have problem in having your kids for months, even if you want to enter official and definitly for long term, you have to do all of paper works. In any case, today was the last day until...
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    Pregnant women Embarazadas please take care

    Please take care, pregnant chicas, because of this pandemia, Particular Influ, Gripe A. New Minister of Health declared las Embarazadas do not have to go out and even not to go to work, excepto to go to hospital or Sanitario.
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    The city has just declared a Sanitary Emergency

    I could not find Gel Alchol in famacy today in Palermo area. They said, tommorow maybe I can buy but I got medical soap PROTEX antibacteries. As for masks yes! normal ones cost 2.5 pesos each and the better one 16 pesos by 3M and can use one week according to the farmacy explanation. From...
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    Swimming with baby

    yes ! I have forgotten the name, Well, you want to play with your baby!! ok, I do not know exactly where now in winter. I have been to the pool in deparment building of friends or some sport club but in summer..because they are open style...
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    Buenos Aires events

    In the Planerario de Palermo you can see a theater of EL PRINCIPITO at 1630, on Saturdays and Sundays. It costs 10 pesos argentinos. Untill November.
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    Can I buy stamps other places besides the Post Office?

    Please take care, becaus the mailboxes sometimes are trush cans !!! Besides the Post office, go to a loctorio with a sign CORREO ARGENTINA and be sure that they mark the amount you paid in stamps.
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    Buenos Aires events

    Enjoy good Music (specially Tango, but for free!) Now Buenos Aires offer free music recitals in different parts of Buenos Aires Tuesday at 1300 pm Organ concerts, Tango guitars, Catedral Anglicana de San Juan Bautista (25 de Mayo 282), Wednesday at 1300pm Jun 17th, Teatro Gran Rex...
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    Swimming with baby

    In Arenales*or Berutti (I am not sure sorry, but )and Araoz, there is a gym which has a in door pool, I has checked there for my daughters.
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    Moving to BA in July 09

    Hello, I send my daughters to a public primary school. Normal 1 is one of the best schools in Buenos Aires near from Cordoba and Callao, and I am taking them from Palermo. If you want to send your children there, you have to go to check if they have vacant to take an exam in the end of the year...