Search results

  1. F

    Fried Chicken?!

    Hey all, I found some fried chicken tonite by accident actually. I went to Inka, Si Senor which is a Peruvian restaurant and didn't recognize a few of the menu items so I decided to roll the dice and live life on the wild side. To my surprise my boyfriend and I discovered 'Pollo Broaster' is...
  2. F

    Where to get business cards printed

    There are a ton of business card places near the Facultad de Medicina. The place where I go is on Uriburu between Tucuman and Viamonte.
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    I believe you can just walk up to the stadium and get tickets. Isn't the season over? I thought they played in the spring/summer, but I could be wrong.
  4. F

    Recently arrived, looking to play some hoops

    There is a student organization called BAIS that does weekly (I think) bball games. You can look at their website to be sure. Good luck finding a pickup game!
  5. F

    Just arrived.. ATM fees and more...

    That is for anyone. I am not a citibank customer, and this is how I usually get pesos. There are a few casa de cambios that will have you wire money to a random bank in Thailand, or Canada and then give you cash less their 1% fee. I think they have a minimum of 5 or 10k can't remember. I...
  6. F

    A positive story about LAN = )

    I was very pleased with LAN's service this week. I took a trip to Iguazu with a friend, and we had in our minds that we would have our last morning in town, then head out at 2. Around 11 we check the confirmation email to make sure and realized our flight gets into BA at 2 (leaves at 1130 which...
  7. F

    Travelers' insurance?

    Travelers insurance is (usually) great if you get your purse/camera/laptop stolen. All you have to do is fill out a police report saying your things got stolen, and they replace them (or give you money to replace them).
  8. F

    Bridesmaid dresses

    You should take a trip to the wedding/quincinera district. I would define that as between Corrientes, and Lavalle; Purreydon, and Riobomba ish. Good luck!
  9. F

    Just arrived.. ATM fees and more...

    I think to help you further we may need your full cc #, expiry date, and 3 digit code on the back...j/k. If you go to a citibank they let you take out up to 2,400 pesos if I am correct with only one fee. The catch is that there is a law about how much you can take out, and citibank makes you...
  10. F

    Buenos Aires vs. Colombia

    Your negativity is really getting old.
  11. F

    asado anyone?

    This sounds great. I'll be there.
  12. F

    Any recommendations on a good printing place?

    There are about 6 print shops on Uriburu one block off of Cordoba because the Facultad de Medicina is very close. There is a guy between Tucuman and Viamonte that does enlargements of pictures as well as (my) business cards. Good luck!
  13. F

    Looking for english conversation groups

    Hey billsfan, Have you heard of Talk Time? They are a group that does meetings in English.
  14. F

    Basmati or Jasmine rice

    One of the brands here has Jazmin rice (blend?)in a black box which is half way decent. Casa China I believe sells both Basmati and Jasmine rice loose but at 25-30 pesos/kilo.
  15. F

    Trying to sell a new Macbook Pro for anyone looking!

    I'm not sure if this applies because of the PC/Mac issue, but I have a Spanish Keyboard for my desktop, and I used a setting to make my computer read it is a regular keyboard. Again, not sure if this can be done with a Mac...
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    PM sent = )
  17. F

    Ok Buenos Aires here we come...

    Iguazu is a great destination. You can go to Retiro the day of and get tickets with seats that fold down about 3/4 of the way for about 65 dollars. It is about 10 dollars more to get the 'suite class' which they should really call the sweet class because it is awesome and the seats go down...
  18. F

    Socialism for foes, capitalism for friends

    Not even the president has faith in the Peso. No wonder everyone takes their paychecks to the casa de cambios on payday.
  19. F

    Bagels, Bagels, Bagels

    I love Finlandia. It is cheap, and my grocery store always has it. I only see Philly Cream Cheese about once a month or so, so I know I can count of Finlandia. It is not exactly exactly the same, but I think it is close enough. Maybe he means Tucuman? I live in the area too, and that seems...
  20. F

    Word of the Day:

    Feel free to chime in! My favorite word of the day is the word for puzzle: rompecabezas.