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  1. B

    Whatever happened to the Obama sycophants?

    Conservatives cannot be anti-capitalists. Hence, there is nothing radical in there. It's the same as the "cool" right-wing clique called "Libertarians" when they like to define themselves as Anarcho-capitalists. Those two words cannot be together. They are opposites. They may have gotten the...
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    The worst pizza in the world?

    There is no GOOD FOOD and BAD FOOD. It's only taste. She was smart enough to add tons of spices and fats to their products to adapt to the market.
  3. B

    Word of the Day:

    BTW, the "idea" that argentines speak "bad spanish" is as dumb as saying americans speak "bad english". It is pointless. Languages are alive. And they transform and adapt to one population. And I won't even begin on the differences between different parts of Argentina. People in the north...
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    Invisible Empire - Documentary

    again, what is the counter-plan? what is the proposal? Without an alternative path, the documentary is just old news. Nothing that I did not know already.
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    Invisible Empire - Documentary

    redrum, Without watching the film, I can guarantee you I know prettt much what is all about. Because I've seen similar documentaries and because I actually happen to know a few good people in the alternative media. I know that choosing the "less bad" sometimes is a trap, but attempting to...
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    Invisible Empire - Documentary

    Yes, you could say that. Establishment is establishment. Nobody expects democrats to take over corporations or change US foreign policies. BUT regardless, I feel much more happy with an educated, intelligent, sharp guy like Obama, than with anything the republicans have put into office in my...
  7. B

    Word of the Day:

    Yes, "Mazazo" strictly means a hit with a maza (the big hammer) or a hit that knocks out somebody (maybe with bat or something like that, but it cannot be many other things). A "mazazo" in a headline means whatever the editor wants :) They will stretch words to their limits in order to make it...
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    NFL Draft

    Wow! current mock drafts put Tebow going on Round 1!! I hope they know what they are doing.
  9. B

    NFL Draft

    Hey guys, Many of you know I'm an argentine NFL fan and the upcoming draft is something worth watching. However, it's not like the event is televised over here (maybe DirecTV, I dont know). The only firm option is internet streaming, but that's not the point of this message. If anyone knows any...
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    Los Daylight

    A band from my hometown Rosario will be rocking this friday. If you like the underground rock scene in Argentina (mostly Rosario and BA) then I can recommend you go and enjoy ;) I'll be there, if anyone wants to join me. Here are the details. Viernes 23 de Abril Acorazado Potemkin + Los...
  11. B

    List of Festivals in Argentina

    Wait... here is the actual list of "colectividades"
  12. B

    List of Festivals in Argentina

    Those "ferias" do not actually include Peru or Bolivia. The Obera people is very proud of their ancestors, but look at the list of the participant nations. A bigger "feria" is in Rosario in the month of November. You should check it. You can check last year's list of main-stage shows (there...
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    Travelling to Brazil with DNI and without passport

    No, I flied to Brazil 2 years ago and only carried my DNI.
  14. B

    hobby shops?

    At Pueyrredon :) So at that block it is Marcelo T.
  15. B

    Take Us to A Boca Game!

    I think the idea is exactly that. Their old paying friends are out for the weekend: " Our other local friends are away for Semana Santa." So they need some new ones "excited" to meet young california women. "...and wants to make a little spending money."
  16. B

    Semana Santa

    Certaintly. 50% of porteños flee out of Buenos Aires these days :)
  17. B

    Semana Santa

    A clarification: There are other "Feriados Nacionales", like May 25th, June 20th, July 9th, August 17th, October 12th, December 8th, but they are not like the other 3 i mentioned. They can be moved around, to a monday for example, and working is optional for some unions.
  18. B

    Semana Santa

    OK, there are only 3 days in the whole year when company owners, stores, etc are forced to close down. By argentinian labor laws, these days are Jan 1st, May 1st and Dec 25th. These are called "Feriados Nacionales". Basically, EVEN shopping malls close those days. There is another group of...
  19. B

    Los Pumas Rugby Match in Buenos Aires

    About the U-20 Rugby WC: I'm originally from Rosario and if anything I can provide intructions or whatever you people need. There is also another important competition in Rosario that maybe someone is interested in. The Women's Hockey WC will be played around August. Rosario was never...
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    Buenos Aires vs. Colombia

    I could not agree more. You may know that insurance in Buenos Aires is DOUBLED for any given car (to say something) compared to any other major cities like Rosario, Cordoba, etc. Not only security changes, but the people too. It's a widely known fact that the "pace" the porteños live in is much...