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  1. Peony54

    Traveler Headed To Buenos Aires

    Hi joe! Hope you enjoy your travels! I'm not in ba right now otherwise would love to have met up! Im awful at giving recommendations for things to do anyways! Go out all night long, eat asado and drink wine and mate! Sorrrrrry maté the tea, of course mate if you want to too! :P
  2. Peony54

    Stray Dog Gets To Live The American Dream

    I love these happy endings! Thank you for sharing'
  3. Peony54

    Me Quiero Ir

    Sorry to hear that things aren't working out! Why don't you give us some more info about what you're doing now (where are you working, living arrangements, etc) and we might be able to give you some tips to more enjoy your stay. For example in the many years I've spent in buenos aires I found it...
  4. Peony54

    And Now For Something Completely Different...

    Congratulations!! :)
  5. Peony54

    20 De Diciembre..dia De Saqueous??

    I suspected this would happen. It's shameful that the police did it in the first place and now others will follow suit because they saw it got results. Apparently they don't care about the casualties either.
  6. Peony54

    Moving Overseas With Argentine Partner

    Hey thesilva, I know exactly what your partner is goin through. What area do you guys live in now? Maybe there is a site where she can meet other expats or members from this site that have moved on from Argentina. It's really tough but she needs to find a way to meet people. Best advice always...
  7. Peony54

    Looking For A Good Resource To Sell New Iphone 5S In B.a.

    Oooh yeah that's your problem. Noones going to pay that much!
  8. Peony54

    Specific Xoom Questions

    Wouldn't it just be easier to bring cash with you, or is there a specific reason you don't wish to or can't do that?
  9. Peony54

    Foreigners Cannot Buy Travel In Pesos??

    Ha so true! I don't understand the legality of this at all. is this the result of weeks ago them claiming they would make a "tourist exchange rate" etc?? It will definitely have the opposite effect they wanted
  10. Peony54

    Paying The Overstay Fee At 4Am?

    The bank at the airport is open 24 hours according to previous threads
  11. Peony54

    Summer And Power Outages,how Well Prepared Are We?

    While it can be annoying I don't think you need to worry about it lasting too long in general maybe a day or two at most and I've never heard of stores running out of food in the entire city due to a power outrage because it just usually doesn't affect the whole city. Sure it's super annoying...
  12. Peony54

    Portable Modem That Operates On Cell Phone Technology

    Also in Argentina I think you need to get it with a two year contract
  13. Peony54

    Tourist Visa Overstay Process

    There's another thread with the link but now unless you're flying out of ezeiza I believe, you need to pay online and I assume bring the receipt/paperwork with you when you cross the border
  14. Peony54

    Tourists Destroying The Economy!

    I'm a little surprised of this article from that site. Except for the quote from Espert it has a tone that is blaming tourists for the decline and giving them the idea that it's dangerous to exchange outside the banks perhaps in an attempt to scare them? As Espert said it's not the tourists...
  15. Peony54

    Ropa Para Baexpats

    I actually have an expat friend who also washes her clothes in the tub. Taking them to the lavadero here can ruin your clothes! Worth the extra time doing it yourself IMO :) though perhaps some people here have a good lavadero I unfortunately never have except once
  16. Peony54

    Medical Certificate For Joining Gym?

    Haha yeah I do remember one pool doing that once or twice, it's the costanera? The one by Jorge Newbury airport
  17. Peony54

    Medical Certificate For Joining Gym?

    Every gym except one that I've belonged to say that you need to bring it in but then never ask for it again. The one that did require it had their own dr that gave me the ok (megatlon). Did they tell you you couldn't work out there until you got it?
  18. Peony54

    I Need Cell Phone Advice...

    I also have an iPhone 4 and while I have noticed some apps require 4s or above it seems they are for apps that use some feature that is only available for the new models. Regardless it's not like your phone will stop working it's just you won't be able to download certain apps. However I don't...
  19. Peony54

    Lanata No Mas?!

    I definitely think its possible- not necessarily that's it came directly from the government but maybe it's supporters. There was a woman who reported botched up info about the number of robberies(saying there were barely any and that the city was very safe) and her house got robbed right away...
  20. Peony54

    Does This (Photo Attached) Get Me Past Reciprocity?

    I can't see the photo :(