Lanata No Mas?!

So, it just so happens that the emergency to act is on only with Clarin...the last free 20% of non K press news media left in the country?. Telefe & the other violators are not going to volunteer for self decapitation after Clarin is gone..only if you believe in flying pigs would you believe that promise.

There is no emergency. It is just to use the public resources where they are needed. While the other groups voluntarily proposed an adecuacy plan, Clarin was rebel, lost at Supreme Court and the sentence has to be enforced. This is obvious.
But I forgot that your expectations are that Clarin loose at Supreme Court and nothing happens...well, guest what?
What service? Just like Cristina's Sarmiento? Mobile phone networks? INdependent Justicia? etc etc ..You confuse 'K' with freedom. Oil & water never mix.

Right, you change the subject every time your blablabla sinks. You change very often...
I know this thread is almost dead, but this is interesting. Another journalist who has dared to take action against the K regime has suffered a robbery under suspicious circumstances. After returning from lodging a complaint re the K press attacks - the OEA (Organizacion del los Estados Americanos)...four well dressed motochorros, in a very organized attack, took off with his laptop full of data. I know this could just be a simple robbery as some would obviously point out, and I'm not one for conspiracy theories but here in Argentina I have seen too many incidents occur when some in the media speak out against the National K government. For example, Mirtha Legrand, became a victim of a highly organized robbery within days of speaking out against Cristina K. There are numerous incidents where journalists and celebrities have been targeted straight after 'crossing the line' with the K government.
The timing of the attack/robbery for the journalist bellow is too suspicious to discount as mere chance, the very next day after returning. Indeed one of his colleagues was also visited by the AFIP within hours of returning from the same trip. Is Cristina's government capable or willing to commit such attacks? Some pro K commentators will probably say no, but if these incidents keep occurring, it will be harder to not suspect the K Government for much longer.
Alfredo Leuco sugirió que lo robaron "motochorros seleccionados" por el kirchnerismo
"El periodista apuntó contra sectores ligados al oficialismo por el ataque; "aquellas dudas que tenía ayer, hoy son mucho más grandes", dijo"
Leuco reveló que durante la madrugada de hoy recibió llamadas "terribles", y que se enteró que también las recibieron "otros periodistas que fueron a la presentación por la libertad de expresión en la OEA".

Also, Cristina's allies up north don't seem too happy with journalists who don't tow the official line:

"CARACAS -- Jim Wyss, the Miami Herald’s Andean bureau chief, was detained by Venezuelan authorities Thursday while reporting on the country’s chronic shortages and looming municipal elections. Wyss remained in custody late Friday."
“We are very concerned,” said Aminda Marqués Gonzalez, the Herald’s executive editor. “There doesn’t seem to be any basis for his detention and we’re trying to figure out what’s going on. We are asking that Jim Wyss be released immediately.”

Read more here: http://www.miamihera...l#storylink=cpy
I definitely think its possible- not necessarily that's it came directly from the government but maybe it's supporters. There was a woman who reported botched up info about the number of robberies(saying there were barely any and that the city was very safe) and her house got robbed right away after. Pretty sure someone had paid/told someone to do it though cuz not sure why actual thiefs would care about that data being correctly reported :)
It's not just possible, it's a cast iron probability.
And the similarities with Venezuela as quoted above, are not coincidences.