Ropa Para Baexpats

What percentage of BAexpats are wearing Ropa Para Todos clothes?

  • 100% Sold the iPhone on MercadoLibre and used it to finance a whole new Ugly American look.

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • 50% Waiting for the peso to fall to ten to the dollar before tossing out my ragged Dockers.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • 0% Having trouble selling my iGear at a price that Maduro would sanction the death penalty at.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 18, 2007
Since I've been gone for 6 months I was wondering how out of place I will be wearing my standard Columbia outdoor gear. I imagine the average BAexpat is using their ill gotten gains from smuggling iPhones through EZE and black market currency trading to further exploit Argentinos by buying subsidized clothing, viz. Ropa para Todos.

Thankfully my employer has a casual clothing code so I wear the clothes I flew in with and will until they disintegrate.

I had a debate with my roommate's boyfriend over the fact that I wash my clothes in the tub. He says no one does it here,
but if I can not afford a washing machine or the $50/bag laundry mat near me than how can Argies?

Since dear leader loves everything VZ does could she get cracking on sending the Ejército to Fravega or Garbarino?
I want a washer, dryer, dishwasher, tv for my bedroom and a PS4 and don't want to pay more than $5,000 ARS.
I actually have an expat friend who also washes her clothes in the tub. Taking them to the lavadero here can ruin your clothes! Worth the extra time doing it yourself IMO :) though perhaps some people here have a good lavadero I unfortunately never have except once
I actually have an expat friend who also washes her clothes in the tub. Taking them to the lavadero here can ruin your clothes! Worth the extra time doing it yourself IMO :) though perhaps some people here have a good lavadero I unfortunately never have except once
I was shocked to see how much bleach the lavadero ladys use. I was also shocked to see how disgusting people's dirty laundry could be. Lavadero
women always wear rubber gloves to sort throught the blood stains and skid marks on underwears .. (sorry) I would be so embarrased to take those sh*t out to the stores.
I was shocked to see how much bleach the lavadero ladys use. I was also shocked to see how disgusting people's dirty laundry could be. Lavadero
women always wear rubber gloves to sort throught the blood stains and skid marks on underwears .. (sorry) I would be so embarrased to take those sh*t out to the stores.

Amazing how you SPOTTED these undies !
They are so teeny weeny ... one may have to seperate the buttocks to see them, let alone seeing the marks.
Amazing how you SPOTTED these undies !
They are so teeny weeny ... one may have to seperate the buttocks to see them, let alone seeing the marks.
Well I was curious when the Bolivian cleaning lady opened up the duffel bags when I was there waiting
for picking up my stuff. I wanted to see what's going on in Argentina. It caught my attention when the girls
started to put on gloves, sometimes even masks. These bags are just from average income
homes, I guess they do not have a washing machine or never do laundry themselves. Hard for Americans to
envision. People usually drop the things that need ironing at cleaners in US.