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  1. C

    Landlady claiming rent transfer did not go through

    Your reaction is remarkably over the top. What do you care if I seek the advice of others here? Furthermore, to advise, in the most negative and childish way possible, any newcomer not to ask the advice of others who might have gone through the same experience here is simply and highly...
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    Landlady claiming rent transfer did not go through

    Thanks Canick and Citygirl!
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    Landlady claiming rent transfer did not go through

    This forum is for helping one another. If you can't do that in a constructive, considerate way, go reply somewhere else, please. Asking for the advice and experience of others is, believe it or not, quite healthy. Your attitude is not.
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    Landlady claiming rent transfer did not go through

    You were implying that asking for about the experiences of others was somehow immature. When in truth it is the exact opposite. Your words were unnecessary and unhelpful.
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    Landlady claiming rent transfer did not go through

    And yes, the transfer was between a US bank and an Argentinian bank.
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    Landlady claiming rent transfer did not go through

    Thanks Citygirl. That just might be the issue here.
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    Landlady claiming rent transfer did not go through

    Wow, I'm looking to see if anyone else has gone through this and what they did. As a foreigner here I'm finding the input of more experienced expats and locals invaluable. What you have to criticize in this is beyond me.
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    Landlady claiming rent transfer did not go through

    Ugh…a month ago I posted on here about how my landlady wanted me to pay three month's rent at the black market rate which, for me, would have amounted to another month's rent. Luckily, my spanish teacher helped negotiate for me to pay through wire transfer, so I could pay the official rate. She...
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    Weekend kickball/dodgeball anyone?

    Yes!! ok, hopefully we can get a group of at least 12 people to start with.
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    Rental contracts: help from an expert

    Hey, to anyone looking to rent an apartment here, be sure to look out for the term 'dolar informal' on your rental agreement. If you see it there, don't sign and insist they write you a new one. And if you want a local to help you through the process, my spanish teacher Maria, is also an expert...
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    Weekend kickball/dodgeball anyone?

    Hey, I used to play dodgeball or kickball back in San Francisco twice a month and was wondering if anyone here would be interested in doing the same here? If so let's see if we can set something up!
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    Any knitters out there??

    I'm interested too! If you host a stitch and bitch group let us know!
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    advice on rental agreement

    Is the contract good for 2 years even if I don't have a local guarantee person?
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    advice on rental agreement

    I signed one 3 months ago, with these terms, and they want me to sign another one tomorrow, same terms...
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    freelance illustrator and writer looking to connect with other freelancers

    Hi, My name is Cheryl and I've been here a while (about 8 months) and have met lots of people, but not as many artists, animators, designers or illustrators as I'd hoped. Just wondering if there are others out there like me (I illustrate children's books, create character/background concepts and...
  16. C

    advice on rental agreement

    Hi, I need some advice about my rental agreement. It states that my rent is $500 US a month. It also states that pay the "dolar informal' rate (5.93) which makes my next rental payment for 3 months $8895. I would rather pay by bank transfer so I can be sure to pay no more than $500 per month, or...