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  1. L

    What Age To Women Have Children?

    hi everyone, i know i am asking for a generalisation but generally, what age do middle class, university educated women have children in Argentina? Or in BA to be more specific? p.s. i realise the title is wrong, it is late here.
  2. L

    How bad is Ezeiza Airport? would you do fly-in fly-out?

    hello, I'm an Australian married to an Argentine who wants to return home. I am not prepared to work for local currency and as a Geologist i make a pretty good income here in Australia. To keep my income and have it in a strong currency my best option would be to do fly in fly out to...
  3. L

    new in the forum, hello :)my husband want to move to BA.

    hello everyone, I've been married to an argentine for a few years, we currently live in Australia however he is starting to get home sick and is proposing that we go to live in BA for 2 years. I have spent a little bit of time in the city (when visitng family) and whilst i'm not opposed...