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    Argentina buys 24 of Denmark’s aging F-16 fighter jets

    The UK doesn't complain because at this stage it doesn't really care. It has no soul or backbone. It's just a globalized shite hole. If the Argentines want the islands it doesn't need F16s. They just need to swamp it with civilians arriving on the beaches claiming asylum.
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    Milei’s Amputation Regime for Argentina

    Milei was always eccentric and strange but until he was in government we weren't to know how things would go. Seems he might not be as as he portrayed himself to be...desperate times called for desperate measures..'Better the devil you know,,,' wasn't an option.
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    Outcry as Milei rewrites Argentina’s history

    Whatever the true number of The Disappeared is what is for sure is that there are those that will try to minimize or justify the dissappearances and those who will use it to victimize themselves for political and economical grift.
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    Is the Milei "Transformation" Failing Already?

    Well, Trump is Milei's hero so if he follows Trump's lead he will dial back on the extreme libertarianism.
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    Boise, Idaho anyone?

    There are few if any good value up and coming places which tick most of the boxes nowadays in the US et al. 20 years ago yes, not now. So there are usually big compromises. Either the place will be expensive or it will be fundamentally lacking in something. Ultimately depends what you are...
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    Dollarization just provides a base of economic stability. It doesn't fix a country's problems per se. From that base the country still needs to go to work to fix it's problems.
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    Seeking Safe Areas with American or Italian Communities

    Porteños intonation and gesticulation can be very Italian..
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    Argentines bought a fifth less at food and drink stores in December

    Those small independent neighborhood businesses are a nice idea but unfortunately belong to another era. One of the reasons Argentina is in the economic mess it is in is due these inefficient business models and practice. For Argentina to move forward economically these types of businesses will...
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    Best country to move to when life in Argentina becomes intolerable

    I too lived in Spain. Depends which circles you are in I guess. There is work if you are willing to chase seasonal/short term often exploitative work competing with immigrants. Or if you are skilled and you manage to land a career and can afford property or you inherit from your parents than...
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    Price of meat will skyrocket

    Milei has always said, as well as going after La Casta, that this is going to hurt most people and will get worse before it gets better, 'no hay plata', etc etc. You missed the not so subtle sarcasm. 'Ignorant pleb' was from how I interpreted the sentiment of the comment. You too also are...
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    Price of meat will skyrocket

    [ Poorly understood? Milei was pretty clear about what he was going to do and it wasnt difficult to understand - even for the ignorant plebs
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    What do we think will happen with the exchange rate?

    Uruguay is not comparable to Argentina in many senses. Argentina is a much larger country, has greater economies of scale, more economic and industrial, educational and cultural diversity etc , more potential with its environment and natural resources, and human resources, has probably the...
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    Best country to move to when life in Argentina becomes intolerable

    From the point of view of a rich expat. Unfortunately Malaga is fast becoming the new Barcelona. Life not so good for Spanish who,in their 30s, are still living with their parents in cramped apartments and can't afford to have kids priced out of buying property thanks to rich...
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    Milei's first speech as a president

    An excellent speech. Could hardly have been better. Hopefully Argentina will grow up and move on from socialism and the magic money tree economics. Vamos carajo!
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    How Javier Milei Could Change Argentina

    That was only due to very favorable short term commodities boom and even then they couldn't break even. As soon as the boom ended reality came home. The dollar has been forever losing value but not property and stock market. Boomers from the US et al who bought property and invested fairly...
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    How Javier Milei Could Change Argentina

    So growth was 10% and inflation was 20% and that's good? Relatively it was I guess but universally it's still very shite. Peronism does not and never did work economically.
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    Is the expat party coming to an end?

    ..or on the🏃 from the ⚖️.
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    How Javier Milei Could Change Argentina

    The economy boomed -relatively- only due to the commodities boom of the noughties.As soon as that boom disappeared so the severe economic problems with Peronism resurfaced.
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    A More Moderate Milei Embraces Trading Partners He Had Shunned

    Nice poem. What are you trying to say?
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    Is the expat party coming to an end?

    There's inevitably cross-over especially if Milei is the 'Argentinean Trump' and talking of left vs right political dynamic which is a universal theme that links US/Global and Argentine politics. Argentina doesn't exist in a vacuum. When truths are exposed or answers can't be given I guess some...