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  1. E

    Latest on visa overstays?

    Hi folks, it's been a couple of years since I've posted here. I hope no one holds that against me now that I'm asking for something :) I have a friend who is here trying to start a business but he doesn't have a DNI yet. He has overstayed his tourist visa by a couple of months. It's been 16-17...
  2. E

    Face biometrics mandated for SIM card activation in Argentina

    Absolutely. People may not think too much about how close CFK and other fascists have become to the Chinese fascists. But they would love to track every person doing everything. Up until their closeness to China, Argentina couldn't afford such tech... "Colaborar!"
  3. E

    The way money amounts are written is baffling me....

    It's European format.
  4. E

    Need to Buy a Car

    I bought a used car for cash in 2007, about a year after I first moved here, before I had residency. There are all kinds of used car places throughout the city. Many new dealerships will have a used car center as well. You can buy a car with your passport, but you also have to fill out some...
  5. E

    How much do you tip at cafes and restaurants?

    I do 10% with decent service. People here don't tip very much. When someone says AR is not a tipping country, I think it's more like tipping is not completely uncommon (though Violet would know more than I) but it is small for the most part when they do tip. When I go out to eat with an AR...
  6. E

    Recommendations for crypto or dolar transfers in exchange for USD or ARS cash?

    Exchanging at a casa de cambio is not what was being discussed. The question was how to send Zelle (or something other means) to someone here (obviously via a bank that's not here) and get money in hand here in Argentina. Some cuevas will do that, no casa de cambio will that I know of unless...
  7. E

    Western Union money transfer

    You mean because you are using the credit cards for monthly expenses, then paying it off? But you still need to go to WU at some point, right? We use our bank account to pay everything and then settle up at the end of the month (except things we can buy on time w/no interest - just bought a new...
  8. E

    Western Union money transfer

    Yeah, we were working with our accountant to try to get to that point as monotributistas before the pandemic. We hadn't gotten there by then (accountant was always "researching"), then I got trapped in the US at the beginning of the pandemic and couldn't get back for nearly 8 months (with my...
  9. E

    Recommendations for crypto or dolar transfers in exchange for USD or ARS cash?

    Is this for real? I know someone who is secretive and does this for friends for 8%. The last time I talked to the cueva I used to use (about 6 months ago) they were asking 10% and I've heard now 12-13% is not unusual. Do they only pay out in pesos at a bad exchange rate? Do they pay out dollars...
  10. E

    Anyone use Telecentro?

    And if so, what do you think of it for internet and TV service and in which barrio are you located? Seems like shortly after Personal acquired Fibertel and the other company (what we had in our apartment last, can't remember the name!), the internet service seems to have drastically slipped...
  11. E

    Western Union money transfer

    I thought you were talking about being able to get money into the country, facilitated by having a bank account here. My wife and I have an account at Galicia, credit cards and debit cards, etc. Of course, it's easy to put everything on direct debit, deposit money and pay the cards and such with...
  12. E

    Western Union money transfer

    Thanks! It's been awhile. I received a PM today out of the blue asking for some information and came back to see how things were going :)
  13. E

    Western Union money transfer

    Just out of curiosity, what does having a proper bank account here get you for receiving money from the exterior? We have bank accounts that are as proper as I know of, but we still struggle to find a way, every month (for 17 years!), to get the money in as cheaply and efficiently as possible...
  14. E

    Monger - Sex Tourism In Argentina Documentary Premiere

    You don't know me, son, and you don't know sh*t about the subject which is apparent from the crap that seems to be farting out of your arse. To call me ignorant or lying when the facts exist as I state them while you throw out some kind of wishy-washy vision of how life should be and some...
  15. E

    Monger - Sex Tourism In Argentina Documentary Premiere

    Been awhile since I've visited the forum. Howdy folks. I had to make a few comments on this topic. First, I'm not a monger. I have no problem with mongers in general, though I have known some real jerks. But I've also known some really good people who are mongers. My first partner when I...
  16. E

    Hillary Rodham Clinton Next President Of The United States.

    From a fellow forum member: The emphasis is mine. I've read a number of opinion articles written by "progressives" who have espoused the desire to fight Trump at every turn. After all, he is "not their president". The best strategy, it seems that many democrats are saying, is to oppose Trump...
  17. E

    Hillary Rodham Clinton Next President Of The United States.

    If it takes Radical Republicans to get spending under control, reform welfare (again) and try to sort out the mess Obama allowed the Middle East and the whole Syria/Egypt/Russia thing to devolve into (even though I agree that Bush started us down the path - just that Obama did even worse than...
  18. E

    Atm Withdrawal Limits Increased ...12/19/16

    As far as I know, places providing the "blue" rate previously are providing the "informal" rate now. The two places I've gone to for the last 5 years or so are still there and still providing. I'd say where, but I don't know their addresses off the top of my head and could only get you close...
  19. E

    Hillary Rodham Clinton Next President Of The United States.

    If I were Democrat, I would be horribly embarrassed how some of the Democratic leadership acted (recounts, blaming the loss on Russians, etc), or failed to act (not telling people to accept the results, at least), as people like Martin Sheen tried to push electors into a coup against the...
  20. E

    Atm Withdrawal Limits Increased ...12/19/16

    60+ pesos? I'd like to know where you go! I am charged 90+ pesos. But at least with the limit doubled, it just got half as expensive to take money out. I'll take that as a good first step...