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  1. B

    What's the best neighborhood for families?

    i liked living in caballito near parque centenario. Big park, reasonably well kept. Fairly middle class. Houses weren't awful there. The problem being that when you live in the expat/oligarch areas you end up getting more casual crime from the villas coming in. If you have a place outside that...
  2. B

    Villarruel breaks tie in Argentina’s Senate to approve Milei’s flagship Ley Bases

    Median would not be affected. The mean would be. Words have meaning and that isn’t correct. Median would be sorting all things regardless of value and taking the number where half the dataset is on either side. I think your are confusing the statistics median with the mean. The mean is what...
  3. B


    Public servants across the world are not known for their ability to be at all flexible. Point at the DNI on the back that says associated. If they cause an issue, you likely should talk to the Jeffe and make a stink until they wrap it up. Its incredibly likely the front desk staff simply isn't...
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    My dni had the old number on the back. When I changed the information I was able to use the new DNI since it has both numbers on it.
  5. B

    Immigrating to the US with Argentine spouse?

    And it might be 61. So you better talk to a law critter to be sure.
  6. B

    Immigrating to the US with Argentine spouse?

    If you want to do the change of status plan aka enter USA on tourist visa. This is the path to take. Get a vacation to Disney. Maybe a road trip. Make it a few weeks. Enter the us explicitly and solely for this. Tell immigration at airport your amazing vacation plans and how you love...
  7. B

    Tourist dollar

    i mean in lanacion there's a rate listed at 1400 or something, which is quite a different number. how do we get that number?
  8. B

    Bilingual HIIT classes or Temporary Personal Trainer?

    Idk, i feel like if you go to any trendy crossfit-y gym near san telmo a large percent of the locals will know english. its not a lot of words to learn to do a class? Go to gym with your basic spanish and try to work out if it can work. might try walking around and find it. You should probably...
  9. B

    Tourist dollar

    Is the tourist dollar still a thing with using international cards?
  10. B

    Which Type of Residency?

    I've heard you could make a trust fund designed to pay you the minimum over the 1-3yrs you want. Arranged in such away that the trust is dissolved once you obtain citizenship or whatever. Basically you get a fat stack of cash/bonds/stocks?, talk to a lawyer, transfer those assets to the trust...
  11. B

    Does anybody know someone who day trades in Argentina?

    I think your passport should do. But maybe the dl to prove you’re a resident somewhere. I moved my license to canada but maybe Cali will reissue.
  12. B

    Does anybody know someone who day trades in Argentina?

    Wat, as long as you don't explicitly tell your bank/broker "HEY BRO I'M LIVING IN ARGENTINA CAN YOU STILL SERVICE ME". The bank/broker won't care, your money is still good and they aint the cops. If you're living abroad and don't do or say anything that indicates that you aren't a USA tax...
  13. B

    Anybody else notice coffee recently not tasting good?

    i used these guys in . Their shop is near my house in Caballito so it wasn't too far when i would be in BA vs provincia. They sell en grano or molido if you want. Personally i am happy with a french press or bialetti ... or just a drip coffee with decent colombian...
  14. B

    Argentina - The Land of Excess

    Argentina and its politics are a complicated thing. I personally do not like the cryptofascism of Peronism that is embedded into the Argentine Psyche... but trying to describe why the whole system is dependent on the clientism of peronism to have argentina even become close to functioning as a...
  15. B

    What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    Eh, its impossible to do business in argentina. The corruption/organized crime in your supply chain to pay for protection. Your employees are unfireable if hired legally If hired illegally, they can sue you whenever to get a big pay day Taxes are high if you want to hire employees legally...
  16. B


    Cedula is what the colombians call their national ID. Maybe related to that?
  17. B

    What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    If the dollar is legalized for transactions... i don't see how the peso could survive. the only thing remotely keeping the peso alive is the insistence of the government demanding its use at various different exchanges for major commerce. The second that goes away, the peso becomes even more...
  18. B


    wow those are like very punitive and seem dated. You shouldn’t need to read and write Spanish. And the 2 years continuous. That could be arranged to be 2 years of residence in the country… not continuously. I’d really suggest doing that in a different province. Entre Ríos wasn’t rough...
  19. B

    What is more “third world” - Buenos Aires or San Francisco

    Article title is misleading. sf and San Jose both have more men than women. From the article. By population probably.
  20. B

    What is more “third world” - Buenos Aires or San Francisco

    Ya. But SF also is well known for not having a lot of children. It’s like the young techie and gay capital. Not gonna see a lot of kids there. Also need women to have babies in general. And SF bay is mostly men at any rate.