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  1. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    Here you go, interested ladies and gentleman... Ron Paul's feelings on the matter.
  2. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    No, I was more or less being blackmailed by a horrible person and dealt with it badly. I totally see the value in education and I want to go to trade school or a school that specializes in computer programming, which is my real passion. The four-year thing, in the exact place I was at, wouldn't...
  3. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    I suppose I can agree with that. I can admittedly get a little trollish when people are offensive and I forget it's hard to see "who started it first" on a forum. It's only compounded by the fact that this is extremely serious for me. People are free to believe anything that they want, but my...
  4. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    There's been so much said by so many I've lost track of it all. I don't particularly feel like going back and seeing who said what. I'm just letting it go and hoping people still will want to talk to me. There will be no more from me about the NWO etc, but since I've determined that Argentina...
  5. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    I've engaged in very positive discussion with you guys. While some of you are saying I'm not "listening" to your advice, it's simply not the case. You are ignoring the positive notes of these threads over the last couple of days, and instead judging me for being offended by statements like this...
  6. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    That's awesome dude! I absolutely want to check it out, thanks for the tip. Neil Strauss... I've heard of him. I wonder what it was from.... Coast to Coast AM?
  7. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    Okay Syngirl, I will remember that as I do my research, thank you for the head's up. Although I think it must be harder for you as an Argentine citizen considering that Argentina is on the list of "Countries and territories whose citizens require visas in order to enter Canada as visitors" and...
  8. G

    No-frills Strategy for Obtaining Residence

    Yes, that seems reasonable. Contrary to what some people may believe, I really enjoy hearing good logic that pokes holes in the "conspiracy theory" for lack of a better term, because I WANT to go back to feeling safe again. Realistically, it will probably be somewhere in between. Our rights are...
  9. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    What will the cost be of my foot up your ass when I get there?
  10. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    Yep, laugh it up. I'm scared outta my mind and the world is falling apart, but hell, why not?
  11. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    I feel more like I'm on the defensive. Either way I'm just as sick of talking about it as everyone else, and it has been improving for a few pages. I still need to seriously consider a new home and I need more information and assistance from others, that's why I came here. Howso? Skills aside...
  12. G

    How does banking work in Argentina with American Banks?

    I was wondering the same thing, a member suggested to me to keep your funds in an American bank and draw out of any ATM the same as you would as if you were on vacation. He recommended an account with Charles and Schwab, as they can give you a debit card that will avoid the fees you would...
  13. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    I'd like nothing better. I'd instead like to discuss Argentina more as a place to survive, not the tormoil that's taking place in the United States. Although, did your friend mention the fact that FEMA used the fallout from Katrina as an excuse to raid homes and confiscate hundreds of firearms...
  14. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    Funny, I don't remember opening a bank account. You are right about that, and it doesn't do well to his credibility. He also says that America has the highest rate of rape, while I've heard that is actually the Congo. I don't know where he's getting the violent crime number, I think what he's...
  15. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    Sorry, it's just very bothersome that this stuff is so obvious... it's public, and these criminals are bragging about it now. And I provide the links and a few people may check them out and formulate their own opinions and provide a good debate and that's awesome, but it will never be enough to...
  16. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    Like you've done ANY research. You're head is in the sand buddy. That's exactly what they are. Death camps ready for martial law. I don't mind alienating people that won't even look at the facts. If you want to look at the facts and form an argument against them that's one thing. But you don't...
  17. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    Howso? I'm merely discovering the other side of the coin. I suppose the irony is that Argentina is a good option for long term, stat-driven survival, but going there with no funds, not enough knowledge of the area, and poor linguistic skills would inherently undermine those survival goals...
  18. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    Okay, I definitely see what you're saying. I'm starting to think that the creator of has a lot of bias resulting from his level of wealth. Being able to afford a villa in the countryside of Argentina must be paradise. I never meant to insult those individuals that can't...
  19. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    I'm definitely not joking, I'm deadly serious. I did google Argentine concentration camps that existed 30 - 40 years ago. Using that as justification for not moving to Argentina now makes about as much sense as refusing to move to Germany because of concentration camps. These concentration...
  20. G

    Want to expat! Hungry for knowledge

    You must have overlooked my post where I mention that I am an avid backpacker survivalist, I've been doing it for the better half of my life. Yes I can butcher game, yes I can make a fire in a wet environment, yes I can dry it into jerky, yes I can make cord from plants, yes I can make...