Search results

  1. E

    Babysitter Available!

    Hi all - I wanted to put a note out here to extend my services as part time babbysitter/nanny! I'm 23, from California and am here for the next few months for a marketing internship. My job is unpaid and I am hoping to make some extra money to fund me staying in Buenos Aires longer! I...
  2. E

    Babysitter Available!

    Hi all - I wanted to put a note out here to extend my services as part time babbysitter/nanny! I'm 23, from California and am here for the next few months for a marketing internship. My job is unpaid and I am hoping to make some extra money to fund me staying in Buenos Aires longer! I have...
  3. E

    Just Arrived/ Upcoming Concerts

    I believe so!
  4. E

    Just Arrived/ Upcoming Concerts

    I would totally enjoy Wednesday of Quilmes as well but just found out Skrillex/ Bassnectar are playing at Groove on that Wednesday and I've been dying to see both! Bjorkista - let me know if you find tickets to it, I've been looking on Livepass and it looks like they're all sold out? :(
  5. E

    Coming to ba in 3 months. Just some quick questions...

    I just got here from CA (flew in from LAX) and got a 3 month roundtrip for about $1,300 on United and bought it 2 months ahead of time. I looked pretty much everywhere but got that price from Kayak, just keep watching it often until your ready to buy but its not going to get much lower than that.
  6. E

    Just Arrived/ Upcoming Concerts

    Hey all! I just arrived this morning from California and will be working for Buenos Aires for the next few months! I'm staying at a hostel in Palermo for now but am looking for a room to sublease in the same area... if anyone has any leads that would be greatly appreciated! I've been in contact...
  7. E

    Need Room to Rent March-May

    Hey Sophie, I'm headed down to BA March 20 for 3 months and am looking for an apt to rent as well in that price range. If you find any two bedrooms that look good, please keep me in mind. I'm super easy to live with, clean, and love to go out and explore new places. I'm planning on volunteering...
  8. E

    Looking to Volunteer in BA

    Hello! I'm headed down to BA from San Francisco around March and am looking for volunteer programs in the area - open to anything, but really love working with kids! I'm hoping to then find a job so I can stay for a while. I've done a lot of research and found some great organized programs...