1.5 million March in Washington DC

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I think that the numbers of people is not "that" important as much as what the people have to say. Generalizing about the majority of the people does not help because each person has a their own reason for attending the event.
Why all the criticism of the marchers? Most of you are living in a country where protesting is a way of life and you don't seem to think that there is anything wrong with it. Why the double standard?
I think the issue here is not so much with the marchers themselves (that's a different critiscism), it is the numeric padding out by the marchers and right leaning press to make something appear greater than it was. To try and state that 1.5 million marched on Washington, when reality seems to show a crowd of less than 100,000, makes the marchers, and their cause, the butt of the critique.

It is not double standard to object to mis-representation of the people, and as for the road blocks and protests here, who says that people don't think there is anything wrong with them? It may be a way of life that people are resigned to seeing, doesn't make it accepted by all.
I just love the logic.

Estimates of the march are 2 million.
Mainstream media puts it at 80k
Mainstream media ALWAYS LIES!
Therefore, there must have been 2 million people at the march.

I have no issue at all with people marching - the right to assemble is one of those things I take seriously.

I am merely pointing out that there is a *huge* discrepancy in the numbers that most mainstream publications report and what was posted here. And the defense of "my friends said there were tons of people" is not one that I find particularly reputable;)
A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.

I would suggest, before this forum descends entirely into the dark ages, that the best response to this sort of nonsense would be to relegate it from the home page with a mountain of posts about peanut butter and the like.
JHB1216 said:
Now my friend Cabrera, he has a lot to say and I am sure that under the proper medical care he could reduce the number of conspiracies that he finds. I am sure that these fears are not good for his mental and physical well being. My fear is that this forum is allowing him to feed his fears where he would be better served to be ignored so that he can deal with his own fears on his own. I sincerly hope that he can get the help that he needs as fear and anxiety is a killer.

Of course I could be wrong about this but I sincerly feel that this guy is not healthy and needs some help. Arguing with him just feeds the fear.

I'm not arguing with her. I just want her to know that the information she is posting does not say what she thinks it does. I'm trying to inform her. If on the other hand, I'm the one who is incorrect, then she can point me to the appropriate part of the text.
Mini I do not post information unless Im 100 percent sure that is it correct. And to all you guys and gals who have called me crazy etc etc etc please define how having a different point of view makes you crazy?

I have been suprised at the agressive responses to me just because I do not believe the mainstream media all the time. Its also funny that many of you call yourself democratic or believe in freedom of speech but ironically to me it seems that only if the freedom of speech conforms to your beliefs .

Mini from the French newspaper Le Parisien.

French mainstream newspaper Le Parisien has published a report focussing on government plans for forced mass vaccination as cracks appear in the media.

"The French need to know that they are going to be injected," is the headline.

Michele Rivasi, a former deputy who has written an open letter to the French Minister of Health Rosalyne Bachelot, says in the interview in Le Parisien printed on September 14th that the French people should be informed that they are going to be injected with the swine flu jab now that the French government has bought 94 million doses of "swine flu" at the cost of one billion euros.

In particular, she criticised the decision to vaccinate pregnant women with swine flu jabs with adjuvants, noting there is no data on the risks of such vaccines on maternity cases.


« Les Français doivent savoir ce qu’on va leur injecter »

MICHELE RIVASI, agrégée de biologie, députée européenne Europe Ecologie

Michèle Rivasi, ex-députée (apparentée PS) de la Drôme, est depuis toujours une femme politique militant en faveur de la santé publique et de l’environnement. En 1986, elle fonde la Criirad (Commission de recherche et d’information indépendantes sur la radioactivité) juste après la catastrophe de Tchernobyl. Pendant un peu plus d’an, en 2003, elle est la directrice de Greenpeace France, l’une des associations écologistes les plus revendicatives. Aujourd’hui députée européenne verte, elle s’inquiète des risques d’une campagne de vaccination massive qu’elle juge « précipitée ».​

Vous avez adressé une lettre ouverte sur les vaccins contre la grippe A à Roselyne Bachelot ? Pourquoi ?
Michèle Rivasi. Parce que je suis très très sceptique sur les décisions de notre ministre de la Santé en matière de vaccination antigrippe A. Quand on commande 94 millions de doses à quatre laboratoires pour un milliard d’euros, la moindre des choses est que les Français sachent ce qu’on va leur injecter. Et pour ça, je m’appuie sur la loi Kouchner de 2002 qui prévoit un consentement libre et éclairé des patients avant de subir un traitement.​

Qu’est-ce qui vous inquiète au juste ?
Pas mal de choses. J’ai travaillé à l’Assemblée nationale sur de nombreux dossiers sensibles comme le syndrome de la guerre du Golfe et le vaccin hépatite B. Et à force d’auditionner tous les pontes de la médecine, nous avons été mis en alerte sur ce qu’on appelle les adjuvants contenus dans les vaccins. Ce sont des amplificateurs du vaccin. Il y a l’aluminium, les solvants, le mercure… Il semble que les effets secondaires graves neurologiques des vaccins soient liés à ces produits. Et puis en 1976, aux Etats-Unis, le vaccin H1N1 a été administré à 40 millions d’Américains et a dû être arrêté à cause d’une maladie neurologique appelée le syndrome de Guillain-Barré, qui est apparue sur plusieurs centaines de personnes. Voilà pourquoi je m’interroge.​

Que demandez-vous à la ministre de la Santé ?
Qu’on ne se précipite pas comme le gouvernement le fait, notamment pour les femmes enceintes et les enfants. Car nous n’avons aucun recul sur les risques de cette vaccination pour ces groupes-là. Et vous savez que plus on vaccine en masse, plus on a d’effets secondaires. Des essais avec un vaccin sans les fameux adjuvants vont être menés sur les femmes enceintes. Nous aurons les résultats en décembre. Attendons. On se précipite trop pour vacciner en masse.​

Oui, mais les femmes enceintes sont vraiment un groupe à risque. Et si la pandémie prenait de l’ampleur ?
Si le virus était virulent, je verrais les choses autrement. Il ne l’est pas. La moindre des choses, c’est que Roselyne Bachelot ait toutes les données sur ces vaccins, qu’elle informe correctement médecins et infirmières. Pour que chaque citoyen décide librement d’être vacciné ou non.​
Here ya go cabrera - this is a direct link, contained within the article you posted:


Truth or false on flu jabs. You might find it illuminating, particularly this section:

Mon employeur pourra me forcer à me faire vacciner
Personne ne peut forcer quelqu’un à pratiquer un acte médical.
Même les populations appartenant aux catégories prioritaires ont le droit de dire non aux injections. De même, lors des campagnes de vaccination dans les écoles, les parents pourront refuser que leurs enfants soient vaccinés. Le gouvernement estime que 25 % des Français décideront de ne pas y avoir recours.

There's a bit of a difference between stockpiling a vaccine based on anticipated need, and forced medication.
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