18 Y/o Girl Coming Alone To Ba, I Have Some Questions/fears

Taking a taxi that has the radio taxi sign on it doesn't make it a traceable taxi. Most taxis aren't a problem but you never know. I used to own several so I speak with experience. in order for you to take a radio taxi you must call the company so that it's put into the computer system. Hailing a Premium Radio Taxi on the street is the same as taking a random taxi. I would stick with Uber if you're uncomfortable taking a taxi. The drivers often ask you to sit in the front seat so the police can't tell their an Uber.
I would not call this good advice...
The biggest problem in Buenos Aires is theft.

You obviously have not spent any time in San Telmo after dark! It is not very safe to walk around..
Don't display jewellery, smartphone or camera. Be discreet and alert AT ALL TIMES.

You should of course listen to these good people, I am sure they have been here a long time and have good reason to be extra careful. I however feel that Buenos aires is extremely safe. I would be much more careful with my things and my behavior in for example Barcelona or Sao Paulo.
Taxis are shit - completely disagree with anyone who thinks they are in anyway good... Use Uber if you can - at least you know who the driver is and its tracked. Don't flash your iphone around, be discreet, be aware of your surroundings. If you feel unsafe your instinct is probably right, look confident. Always try have someone with you as well.
I think the original poster decided to cancel her ticket to the warzone that is Buenos Aires and visit Palm Springs, California instead.
Nothing war zone about being careful and not stupid.. Advice applies to Sao Paulo, Rio and majority of south american cities. Lets not forget she is 18 and never been to South America..
Bush`s girls were robbed in San Telmo ,while protected by the Secret service...??