Why does the IT company sound confused? Their HR sent me a list of required steps:
1) PASSPORT: This document must be in force and in good condition and submitted with a full set of copies including blank pages. Just to take into consideration: if the passport is not in international format you´ll have to translate it into spanish. To check if it´s in international format look at the page where is your personal information, if it has a number and you go to the last page of the passport and it has the translation into many languages (including spanish) it´s in international format. If not, you´ll have to translate it. If you are not sure about it, you can send me a scan or photo of the passport and I can check it.
2) CERTIFICATE OF LACK OF CRIMINAL RECORD issued by the competent authorities of the countries where you have resided for a period exceeding ONE (1) year, during the course of the last THREE (3) years. Remember that you have to legalize it with the Apostille. Remember to translate the criminal record with a certified translator into Spanish and legalize the translation. (this is done

3) ADDRESS CERTIFICATE: You must go with your passport to the police station, they will ask you where do you live (the hotel or home address), and what’s the purpose of the certificate which you must reply that is for immigrations (in Spanish: “migraciones”). It will cost you AR$15. During the following 24/48 hours the police will pass by your hotel, home and will verify with the Hotel receptionist or other person you live with that you are staying there. Please leave a copy of your passport with them.
4) CERTIFICATE OF ARGENTINE CRIMINAL RECORDS Issued by the National Registry of Reoffend at Tucuman 1353, downtown, will cost you AR$100 and you have to pick it up after 24 hours. You must take with you your passport and a photocopy of the main page (the one with your name, nationality, etc). Before going you must take an appointment through the website:
http://www.dnrec.jus.gov.ar/Turnos/. Remember when you take the appointment that in the part where it says "numero de documento" only put the number of the passport. If your passport number has letters don’t put them in there because it won´t let you take the appointment. Ex: Pass Number: EH1854E3 you have to put 18543
5) TWO 4X4 COLOR PHOTOS (It must be current, taken from the front, half bust, with the head completely uncovered, color, white even background, allowing appreciate faithfully and in all its fullness the holder's facial features when manage the procedure).
6) $600ARS for the VISA
7) $40ARS for the DNI
I need a work visa so I can get the DNI in the first place. If I don't have a DNI, they can't employ me.