20% Surcharge For Travel

Listen people, AFIP want their cut to make up for the imaginary "official rate". Sell your USD at cuevas and pay in pesos, it is not hard to figure out.
20% applies to everyone
I would not use my credit card, just pay in cash and then AFIP will not be looking at your credit card statement.!!

Yeah but you're assuming everyone has USD to sell. Most people here who are earning pesos are trying to convert them to USD any which way they can and are not willing to sell any unless absolutely desperate. Most peso earners just want to burn through their pesos and hoarde the USD. So since you're getting charge 20% regardless as to whether you pay cash, credit or debit, it doesn't make sense to change USD -- if you're pesos-earning you will have bought your USD at a rate that no longer exists, so when you sell USD now, you can never replace them at the same cost.
the surcharge might not get charged straight away. when i went to the states last year the 15% surcharge from things that i bought on my CC while i was there only showed up 2 months later.

That was last year, NOW you pay 20% up front not in cuotas...!!
Use your pesos to buy tickets and they give you USD when you get there then bring them back and sell them. Even with the 20% tax it is still better to pay in pesos.
Who ever you are buying the tickets for. The dolar blue has gone up 5.25% in 4 days, so that helps offset the 20% K tax!
perhaps we are talking about different things. i was talking about someone outside of argentina buying me a ticket so that i could avoid paying the 20% surcharge. in that case i would have to owe them money!
perhaps we are talking about different things. i was talking about someone outside of argentina buying me a ticket so that i could avoid paying the 20% surcharge. in that case i would have to owe them money!

I think you don't understand the law, the 20% tax is preferable than paying in dollars, you are better of paying a 20% refundable tax than paying in dollars and getting debs in dollars that will cost you 55% more to get as you will have to use the blue dollar. The worst idea ever is to pay with a foreign credit card.
perhaps we are talking about different things. i was talking about someone outside of argentina buying me a ticket so that i could avoid paying the 20% surcharge. in that case i would have to owe them money!

If a party in the US pays a ticket for you, there is no 20 % surcharge, You owe them that amount ,,,,!!
If a party in the US pays a ticket for you, there is no 20 % surcharge, You owe them that amount ,,,,!!
But you have to clarify that you owe him that amount in dollars that if you have pesos is like a 55 % tax, so you will be better by paying in your credit card in pesos and pay the 20% tax