3 Dogs have been poisened in Parque Las Heras the las couple of days!

I am going to brag on my neighborhood. I am not sure the reason but there is seldom dog mess on our sidewalks in Palermo. There is a man who lives somewhere across the street who has a large (of course) lab retriever. I sometimes sit on my darkened balcony in the early hours with coffee. One morning out he came onto the empty street with his dog. I thought I'm going watch this guy and see what he's really made of. No one was on the street, nothing else was moving anywhere, and he could not have have known I was there on the 6th floor watching him. Sure enough, there in the darkness, the dog left a "deposit" and out came his plastic bag and he cleaned it up in the darkness with me watching. I LOVE my neighbors. What a GREAT neighborhood!
arlean said:
One morning out he came onto the empty street with his dog. I thought I'm going watch this guy and see what he's really made of. No one was on the street, nothing else was moving anywhere, and he could not have have known I was there on the 6th floor watching him. Sure enough, there in the darkness, the dog left a "deposit" and out came his plastic bag and he cleaned it up in the darkness with me watching.

$50AR he is an expat. :)
Also here, several neighbors head off to work at about the same time and they all leave their dogs behind, lockdown time.
Sure enough, as if in some harmony, they all start barking and howling, missing their owners and also pleading to head out.
It's kind of sad. The barking and howling is annoying, but makes no sense blaming the dogs, so I don't. They're just dogs, doing what they do naturally. They're not meant to be cooped up in some small apartment. It's unnatural for them.
As an earlier poster mentioned, taking them out for a brief walk is not a proper compensation. Imho, don't even bother having them.
It's also unfortunate to see them leashed up to poles.
I wonder if the owners consider the dog's needs at all, instead of their own desires.

No sense rehashing all that's been discussed many times, just wanted to add that I also see this around where I'm at.
I wish i could say that my little bit of palermo was dog shit free. I walk past the kids hospital on the way to coto, and there is so much dog shit there the whole street smells of it..
davonz said:
I wish i could say that my little bit of palermo was dog shit free. I walk past the kids hospital on the way to coto, and there is so much dog shit there the whole street smells of it..

Not sure where Arlean lives, but from Scalabrini to Juan B and from Libertador to Cordoba is chock full of dog shit.
Food for thought, I think it was said, we smell things because we're actually tasting them (even aroma of fresh-baked bread for example, fine particles of bread in the air, gas form, reach our nasal passages and then absorbed, tasted. Something like that I think), therefore everytime we smell dog doo... well, if it's true, it's an interesting thought. Gross.